Year 2009, parts:
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
up |
L. V. Prokhorov
On Fractioning of Quanta
(81 Kb) |
I. V. Anikin, O. V. Teryaev
Factorization and Transverse Momentum for Two-Hadron Production in Inclusive e+e- Annihilation
(352 Kb) |
M. I. Shirokov
Moving System with Speeded-Up Evolution
(352 Kb) |
G. A. Kozlov
On Leptonic Decay of a Heavy Quarkonium with a Higgs-Boson Emission
(192 Kb) |
Yu. A. Kasatkin
The Geometrical Aspect of the Gauge Fields and Possibility of
General Description of Local and Nonlocal Interactions in QED
(403 Kb) |
D. Yu. Bardin, L. V. Kalinovskaya, L. A. Rumyantsev
Functions JA in the Passarino-Veltman Reduction
(245 Kb) |
Ts. Ts. Panteleev, S. B. Borzakov, L. Ts. Simeonova-Panteleeva
Method for Direct Measurement of Deformation of Excited Nuclei
(536 Kb) |
S. Vokal, A. D. Kovalenko, A. M. Kondratenko, M. A. Kondratenko,
V. A. Mikhailov, Yu. N. Filatov, S. S. Shimanskiy
The Program of Polarization Studies and Methods to Accelerate
the Polarized Beams of Protons and Light Nuclei
at JINR Nuclotron
(439 Kb) |
Yu. S. Tsyganov
A Multi-Interval MBSC Theory for Active Correlations Technique
(254 Kb) |
B. Slowi ski, P. Duda, W. Dzikowski
Fluctuations of Cascades Induced by Gamma Quanta from 200 to 3375 MeV in Dense Amorphous Materials
(1.071 Mb) |
F. Spurn , O. Ploc, I. Jadrn kov
On Leptonic Decay of a Heavy Quarkonium with a Higgs-Boson Emission
(597 Kb) |
V. E. Aleynikov, L. G. Beskrovnaia, Yu. V. Mokrov
Application of 10B Counter with Moderator
for Neutron Ambient Dose Equivalent Measurement in Radiation
Monitoring at JINR
(287 Kb) |
G. A. Karamysheva, S. A. Kostromin
Beam Dynamics Study in the C235 Cyclotron for Proton Therapy
(1.256 Mb) |
O. V. Bulekov, A. K. Ponosov, D. A. Romanov, A. A. Savchenko,
V. V. Tarasov, M. A. Faizrakhmanov
Software Framework Development for a Physical Analysis
of the SELEX Experiment Data
(662 Kb) |
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G. A. Kozlov
Bose-Einstein Correlations of Light Hadrons and the Stochastic Scale of Particle Emitter Source
(174 Kb) |
G. A. Kozlov
Bose-Einstein Correlations of Neutral Gauge Bosons in pp Collisions
(159 Kb) |
Ts. Tsogbayar
Some Asymptotic Formulae for One-Electron Two-Center Problem
(117 Kb) |
L. V. Grigorenko, M. S. Golovkov, G. M. Ter-Akopian, A. S. Fomichev,
Yu. Ts. Oganessian, V. A. Gorshkov, S. A. Krupko, A. M. Rodin, S. I. Sidorchuk, R. S. Slepnev, S. V. Stepantsov,
R. Wolski, D. Y. Pang, V. Chudoba, A. A. Korsheninnikov, E. A. Kuzmin, E. Yu. Nikolskii, B. G. Novatskii,
D. N. Stepanov, P. Roussel-Chomaz, W. Mittig, A. Ninane, F. Hanappe, L. Stuttg , A. A. Yukhimchuk,
V. V. Perevozchikov, Yu. I. Vinogradov, S. K. Grishechkin, S. V. Zlatoustovskiy
Soft Dipole Mode in 8He
(616 Kb) |
Tran Duc Thiep, Truong Thi An, Nguyen Tuan Khai, Nguyen The Vinh,
Phan Viet Cuong, A. G. Belov, O. D. Maslov
The Isomeric Ratios in Some Photonuclear Reactions ( , n), ( , p),
( , 2n) and ( , np) Induced by
Bremsstrahlungs with End-Point Energies in the Giant Dipole Resonance Region
(492 Kb) |
A. M. Artikov, O. E. Puhov, D. Chokheli, G. Pauletta
On the Light Yield Decreasing by Time of the Scintillation Counters of the Muon Trigger at CDF
(1.158 Mb) |
I. P. Yudin, D. K. Guriev, S. A. Dolgij, A. Ya. Kutov, V. M. Lutsenko,
A. A. Morozov, G. P. Nikolaevskiy, A. A. Nomofilov, N. S. Rossiyskaya, A. Yu. Starikov, L. N. Strunov,
V. I. Sharov, R. A. Shindin, S. N. Shkarovskiy
Measurement of the Magnet Field Map for the Analysing Magnet of the "Delta-Sigma" Spectrometer
(877 Kb) |
T. P. Akishina, O. Yu. Denisova, V. V. Ivanov, S. A. Lebedev
On the e/p Identification Applying the CBM TRD:
Comparison of Measurements with the TRD Prototype and GEANT3 Simulation
at p = 1.5 GeV/c
(1.216 Mb) |
S. A. Lebedev, G. A. Ososkov
Fast Algorithms for Ring Recognition and Electron Indentification in the RICH Detector of the CBM Experiment
(1.983 Mb) |
E. P. Zhidkov, R. V. Poljakova, I. G. Voloshina, E. E. Perepelkin,
N. S. Rossiyskaya, T. V. Shavrina, I. P. Yudin
Computer Simulation of Spectrometer Magnets
for Some Experimental Installations
(231 Kb) |
up |
A. Bartl, W. Majerotto, K. M nig, A. N. Skachkova, N. B. Skachkov
On Pair Production of Scalar Top Quarks in e+e- Collisions at ILC and a Possibility of Their Mass Reconstruction
(927 Ká) |
À. Í. Ñåðäþêîâ
Minimal Relativistic Model of Gravitation within Standard Restrictions of the Classical Theory of Fields
(232 Ká) |
Kh. M. Beshtoev
Experimental Status of the Mechanism of Resonance Enhancement of Neutrino Oscillations in Matter
(267 Ká) |
N. K. Skobelev, N. A. Demekhina, R. Kalpakchieva, A. A. Kulko, S. M. Lukyanov,
Yu. A. Muzychka, Yu. E. Penionzhkevich, T. V. Chuvilskaya
Excitation Functions for Complete and Incomplete Fusion of 6Li with Pt Nuclei
(395 Ká) |
A. Papash, C. P. Welsch
On the Possibility of Realizing Shortest Bunches in Low-Energy Storage Rings
(730 Ká) |
L. M. Soroko
Informational Content of the High Order Diffraction Pattern
(216 Ká) |
E. M. Kislov, Yu. A. Panebrattsev, V. I. Yurevich, A. N. Zubarev
A Portable X-ray Source for Testing of TRD/ALICE Radiators and Chambers
(345 Ká) |
L. G. Efimov, E. M. Kislov, N. S. Moroz, Yu. A. Panebrattsev, V. I. Yurevich, A. N. Zubarev
Experimental Facilities for the TRD/ALICE Tests with Electron-Pion Beam and Cosmic Particles
(368 Ká) |
R. V. Vasilyev (on behalf of the SuperNEMO collaboration)
Project of the Low Background Detector BiPo
(282 Ká) |
A. Mahrous, M. Sherif, M. Soliman
Simulation of Muon-Induced Air Showers Affecting CMS Tracking Detectors
(381 Ká) |
E. Dushanov, Kh. Kholmurodov, G. Aru, V. Korenkov,
W. Smith, Y. Ohno, T. Narumi, G. Morimoto, M. Taiji, K. Yasuoka
JINR CICC in Computational Chemistry and Nanotechnology Problems: DL_POLY Performance for Different Communication Architectures
(845 Ká) |
O. V. Belov, E. A. Krasavin, A. Yu. Parkhomenko
Dynamics of the SOS-Response in Escherichia coli Bacterial Cells Under Ultraviolet Irradiation
(816 Ká) |
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K. A. Modestov, Yu. V. Chugreev
The Problem of Stability for the Homogeneous and Isotropic Universe in RTG
(228 Ká) |
A. E. Dorokhov, S. V. Esaybegyan
Modified Action for Light Quarks in the Instanton Vacuum
(185 Ká) |
F. Simkovic, M. I. Krivoruchenko
Mixing of Neutral Atoms and Lepton Number Oscillations
(173 Ká) |
A. Aydemir, H. Arslan, A. K. Topaksu
The Estimation of the Z' Gauge Boson Mass in E6 Models
(228 Ká) |
A. N. Skachkova, N. B. Skachkov
On Lepton Pair Production in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at Intermediate Energies
(1.330 Má) |
J. H. Field
Quantum Electrodynamics and Experiment Demonstrate the Nonretarded Nature of Electrodynamical Force Fields
(220 Ká) |
D. V. Glamazda
Application of New Method to Single-Electron Atom Problem
(208 Ká) |
L. I. Menshikov
Model Estimate of the Fine Structure Constant
(107 Ká) |
V. Batusov, Yu. Budagov, R. Leitner, M. Lyablin, L. Miralles, M. Nessi, J. Proudfut,
N. Russakovich, A. Sisakian, N. Topilin, D. Khubua, A. Enrike, V. Romanov
The Modular Nuclear Absorber of the ATLAS Hadron Calorimeter
(The Experience of Controlled Assembly on the Ground and in the Pit
(722 Ká) |
I. A. Golutvin, A. Yu. Kamenev, V. Yu. Karjavin, P. V. Moissenz,
V. V. Perelygin, S. E. Vassiliev, A. V. Zarubin, V. A. Tchekhovski
ME1/1 Cathode Strip Chambers for CMS Experiment
(770 Ká) |
S. Baranov, P. Nevskij
A Method to Simulate the Muon System Response for Cavern Background
in the ATLAS Detector at the LHC Accelerator
(534 Ká) |
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D. J. Cirilo-Lombardo
Coherent States for a Quantum Particle on a M bius Strip
(103 Ká) |
M. V. Chizhov
Sensitivity to New Physics: ae versus
(151 Ká) |
E.Barto ,
E. A. Kuraev, M. Se ansk
Radiative Corrections to Muon Decay in Leading and
Next-to-Leading Approximations for Electron Spectrum
(120 Ká) |
V. A. Abramovsky, N. V. Radchenko
Total Cross Sections of Hadrons Interactions at High
Energies in Low Constituents Number Model
(303 Ká) |
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov
About One Method of Self-Consistent Definition of Instanton Liquid Parameters
(262 Ká) |
M. Dineykhan, S. A. Zhaugasheva, K. Karimzhan
Definition of Mass Spectrum of Ìesons Taking into Account
Relativistic Character of Interactions
(276 Ká) |
Kh. M. Beshtoev
Realization of Majorana Neutrino and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Possible
in the Framework of Standard Weak Interactions?
(124 Ká) |
B. Batyunya, M. Vala, S. Zaporozhets (for ALICE Collaboration)
Simulation Study on Light Vector Meson Decays to Electron-Positron Pairs with the ALICE Experiment
(978 Ká) |
P. Zobdeh, R. Sadighi-Bonabi, H. Afarideh
Cavity Generation and Quasi-Monoenergetic Electron Generation in Laser-Plasma Interaction
(136 Ká) |
N. I. Bazaleev, B. B. Banduryan, T. I. Ivankina, V. F. Klepikov, V. V. Lytvynenko,
Ju. F. Lonin, A. N. Nikitin, A. G. Ponomarev, V. N. Robuk, V. V. Uvarov, V. T. Uvarov
The Modeling of Radiation Induced Transformations in Rocks as Potential
Media for the Radioactive Waste Disposal
(263 Ká) |
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A. I. Nikishov
Classical and Quantum Scattering by a Gravitational Center
(147 Ká) |
V. A. Abramovsky, N. V. Radchenko
Multiplicity Distributions in Proton-Proton and Proton-Antiproton Collisions at High Energies
(314 Ká) |
A. E. Dorokhov, N. I. Kochelev, W.-D. Nowak
Single Spin Asymmetries in High Energy Reactions and Nonperturbative QCD Effects
(376 Ká) |
E. Barto ,
M. Se ansk ,
Yu. M. Bystritskiy, E. A. Kuraev, M. K. Volkov
Photoproduction of Scalar and Pseudoscalar Mesons on a Lepton
within the Local Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model
(172 Ká) |
S. G. Karshenboim
Oscillations of Neutral Mesons and the Equivalence Principle for
Particles and Antiparticles
(252 Ká) |
A. V. Pimikov
Nonlocal Quark Condensate and Photon Distribution Amplitude
(238 Ká) |
Kh. M. Beshtoev
Cherenkov Effect in the Weak Interactions Generated by the Neutrinos
and New Approach for Estimation of Neutrino Mass
(104 Ká) |
D. Å. Syresin, G. À. Chelkov
Possibility of High Nuclear Charge Z Materials Detection on the Basis of Natural Cosmic-Ray Muon Flows
(409 Ká) |
G. Bellettini, J. A. Budagov, G. V. Velev, V. V. Glagolev, I. A. Suslov,
M. Trovato, G. A. Chlachidze
Kinematic Fit of Dilepton Events for the Top Quark Mass Measurement Using Template Method
(1.169 Má) |
S. I. Tyutyunnikov, V. N. Shaliapin, V. L. Aksenov, A. N. Artemiev, A. V. Zabelin,
B. F. Kirillov, M. V. Kovalchuk, A. G. Maevsky, A. D. Beliaev, A. V. Porokhova, V. A. Rezvov
Physical Start-Up Energy Dispersive EXAFS Spectrometer in Kurchatov Center of Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology
(371 Kb) |
I. V. Amirkhanov, G. A. Karamysheva, I. N. Kiyan, J. Sulikowski
Modeling of Required Operation Modes and Analysis of Their Stability for Multipurpose Isochronous Cyclotrons
(275 Ká) |
A. V. Chizhov
Stokes-Anti-Stokes Entanglement in Stimulated Raman Scattering
(177 Ká) |
A. S. Khalil, A. Yu. Didyk
RBS and TEM Studies of Indium Phosphide Irradiated with 100 keV Au Ions
(313 Ká) |
V. M. Bystritsky, V. V. Gerasimov, N. I. Zamyatin, E. V. Zubarev,
V. G. Kadyshevsky, A. P. Kobzev, A. R. Krylov, A. A. Nozdrin, V. L. Rapatsky, Yu. N. Rogov,
A. B. Sadovsky, A. V. Salamatin, M. G. Sapozhnikov, A. N. Sissakian, V. M. Slepnev
Stationary Inspection Complex DViN-2
(528 Ká) |
up |
4th International Workshop
Dubna, October 15-19 2007
Proceedings of the Workshop
Edited by V.V.Ivanov
Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Bich Ha, Puzynin I.V., Puzynina T.P.
Quantum Information Transmission between Two Qubits through an Intermediary Photon Gas
(87 Ká) |
Slavnov D.A.
Individual Events and Mathematical Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
(104 Ká) |
Gerdt V.P., Zinin M.V.
An Algorithmic Approach to Solving Polynomial Equations Associated with Quantum Circuits
(274 Ká) |
Gerdt V.P., Kragler R., Prokopenya A.N.
A Mathematica Program for Constructing Quantum Circuits and Computing Their Unitary Matrices
(162 Ká) |
Sevastianov L.A., Kulyabov D.S., Kokotchikova M.G.
An Application of Computer Algebra System Cadabra to Scientific Problems of Physics
(273 Ká) |
Rybakov Yu.P., Kamalov T.F.
Symplectic Structure of Quantum Phase and Stochastic Simulation of Qubits
(109 Ká) |
Suzko A.A., Tralle I., Velicheva E.P.
Reconstruction of Quantum Well Potentials
(97 Ká) |
Deveikis A.
Antisymmetrization Procedure of Identical Fermions States
(99 Ká) |
Kulyabov D.S., Ulyanova A.G.
An Application of 2-Spinors Calculus to Quantum Field and Quantum Mechanics Problems
(120 Êá) |
Chuluunbaatar O., Gerdt V.P., Gusev A.A., Kaschiev M.S.,, Rostovtsev V.A., Uwano Y., Vinitsky S.I.
Multilayer Evolution Schemes for the Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems in External Fields
(214 Êá) |
Kornyak V.V.
Discrete Symmetry Analysis of Lattice Systems
(211 Ká) |
Baldiotti M.C., Bagrov V.G., Gitman D.M.
Two Interacting Spins in External Fields and Application to Quantum Computation
(113 Ká) |
Ol'khov O.A.
Geometrization of Quantum Physics
(96 Ká) |
Isar A.
Quantum Fidelity of Gaussian States in Open Systems
(244 Ká) |
Karassiov V.P.
Symmetry Entanglement in Polarization Biphoton Optics
(136 Ká) |
Adamyan N.H., Adamyan H.H., Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
EPR Light Beams and Non-Gaussian Quantum Distributions in the Time Domain
(170 Ká) |
Antonosyan D.A., Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
Multimode Squeezing in Microstructured Nonlinear Media
(129 Ká) |
Kryuchkyan G.Yu.
Spatial Entanglement and Subwavelength Structures in Atomic Deflection
(766 Ká) |
Popov I.Yu., Miroshnichenko G.P., Trifanov A.I.
Possible Implementation of CNOT and CCNOT Gates
(170 Ká) |
Lyuboshitz V.L., Lyuboshitz V.V.
Correlations of Polarizations and Entangled States in the Two-Photon System
(130 Ká) |
Kostenko B.F., Pribivs J., Yuriev M.Z.
Quantum Elastic Net and the Traveling Salesman Problem
(190 Ká) |
Kurochkin V., Kurochkin Yu.
Principles of the New Quantum Cryptography Protocols Building
(170 Ká) |
Timofeevskaya O.D.
Quantum Entanglement in Second Quantized Fermion Systems
(102 Ká) |