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Azerbaijani students at JINROn 7 February 2025, representatives of the Azerbaijan Youth Association of Russia (AYAR) from the Moscow Region visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The delegation included power engineering students from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, and Kapitsa Physics and Technology Lyceum. The visit was organized with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation and AYAR. During excursions, the students got acquainted with JINR’s scientific infrastructure and visited the Institute’s laboratories.
A leading methodologist at the JINR University Centre Tatiana Strokovskaya gave the association’s representatives a tour of the JINR Main Facilities interactive exhibition in the Mir Cultural Centre. During the visit to the Laboratory of High Energy Physics, the guests got introduced to the flagship NICA Megascience Project. A VBLHEP JINR researcher Dmitry Dryablov discussed the history and development of the accelerator complex and future experiments. In addition, at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, the AYOR members got informed about the ongoing construction of the Baikal-GVD Neutrino Telescope, the largest one in the Northern Hemisphere. During an excursion to the Laboratory of Information Technologies, they learned about the Institute’s computing infrastructure by visiting the machine room of the Govorun Supercomputer, the core of the JINR Multifunctional Information and Computing Complex (MICC). A meeting with leading scientists of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research representing the Republic of Azerbaijan was organized for the guests at the International Conference Centre. During the conversation, the JINR researchers answered all the questions that interested the Azerbaijan youth. At the end of the visit, the delegation of the Azerbaijan Youth Association of Russia toured the Museum of History of Science and Technology of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and offered the Institute a memorable gift. Background information The Azerbaijan Youth Association of Russia (AYAR) is an organization founded in 2009 to promote the development of Russian-Azerbaijan cooperation in youth policy. The association prioritises creating conditions for the fullest integration of Azerbaijan youth into the culture of the Russian society. Based on the information from the JINR Press Office