Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 7-8 (4755-4756)
dated February 27, 2025:

In the wake of the departed

Alexander Kuzemsky
21.04.1944 - 12.02.2025

On 12 February, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a leading researcher of the Department of the Condensed Matter Theory of BLTP Alexander L. Kuzemsky passed away.

А.L.Kuzemsky was born on 21 April, 1944 in Donetsk. In 1969, he graduated from Moscow State University and in the same year, he joined the JINR Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. In 1970, he defended his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of D.N.Zubarev and in 1985, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "Microscopic theory of correlation effects in transition metals and alloys".

Alexander Kuzemsky is a highly-qualified specialist in the field of condensed matter theory and statistical physics, an author of more than 220 scientific contributions. For many years, he has been developing a new research area at JINR - quantum theory of magnetism of transition and rare-earth metals, their alloys and compounds. He estimated a wide range of tasks of quantum theory of solid state. In particular, A.L.Kuzemsky made a significant contribution to the construction of quantum statistical theory of magnetism and superconductivity of complex systems based on the approximation of strongly bound electrons. A considerable number of his papers are dedicated to the self-consistent theory of electron-background interaction and to the investigation of neutron scattering on magnetic excitations in transition metals, their alloys and compounds. He has made significant contributions to the understanding of magnetic and electronic properties of new carbon-based nanomaterials such as graphene and similar materials.

Most of A.L.Kuzemsky's papers are dedicated to the statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium systems. In particular, he developed a consistent microscopic theory of neutron scattering on a statistical environment in a nonequilibrium state. Within the framework of D.N.Zubarev's technique of nonequilibrium statistical operator, he calculated the cross section of slow neutron scattering in terms of the correlation function of variable environments. In recent years, A.L.Kuzemsky has been actively engaged in applications of N.N.Bogolyubov's quasimedian technique in quantum statistical physics, in particular, in the quantum theory of magnetism.

A.L.Kuzemsky's investigations are well known in the scientific world and are widely cited in leading journals, monographs and theses. His papers have been more than once reported at major conferences and symposia. In addition to scientific articles, 20 reviews and three monographs have been published: "Research on Statistical Physics and Quantum Solid State Theory" (2009), "Statistical Mechanics and the Physics of Many-Particle Model Systems" (2017), "The Mystery of Time: Asymmetry of Time and Irreversibility in the Natural Processes" (2023). As a visiting professor, he worked and presented papers at several dozen foreign universities and at leading research centres in Europe and Japan. A.L.Kuzemsky was a member of the Moscow Physical Society Management Council for 12 years and a member of the Magnetic Society of the Russian Federation. His participation in popularization of the achievements of the School of Theoretical Physics of JINR in various editions and at conferences should be highlighted. He also paid much attention to scientific and pedagogical work with students.

А.L.Kuzemsky was a bright and ambitious scientist, he enjoyed well-deserved authority and respect of his colleagues.

A memory of Alexander Kuzemsky will forever live in the hearts of his friends, students and colleagues.

BLTP staff members

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