Dubna. Science. Commonwealth. Progress
Electronic english version since 2022
The newspaper was founded in November 1957
Registration number 1154
Index 00146
The newspaper is published on Thursdays
50 issues per year

Number 7-8 (4755-4756)
dated February 27, 2025:


MLIT and HSE outline areas for expanding cooperation

On 20 February, a meeting with the leading specialists of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) was held in MLIT. The visit was organized to discuss the capabilities for development of bilateral cooperation.

In addition to the meeting in MLIT, the guests, accompanied by the scientist VBLHEP secretary Alexander Cheplakov, visited the NICA accelerator complex, where they learnt about the implementation of the megascience project.

Head of the Laboratory of Computational Physics at HSE Lev Shchur, Head of the Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Big Data analysis techniques at HSE Denis Dergach and leading researcher at the same laboratory Fedor Ratnikov visited MLIT. On behalf of MLIT, MLIT Scientific Leader Vladimir Korenkov and his Deputy Tatyana Strizh, Head of DS&IS Petr Zrelov, Head of the Sector of Heterogeneous Computing and Quantum Informatics Oksana Streltsova, Head of the Sector for Development and Support of DES Sergey Belov, as well as MLIT researchers Darya Pryakhina and Maxim Zuev took part in the meeting. The meeting was attended by JINR Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary Alexey Zhemchugov.

At the meeting, the possible areas of MLIT and HSE cooperation in the field of computing were discussed in detail. One of the key topics of discussion was distributed computing, as well as monitoring systems and efficient use of supercomputer applications in application to the supercomputers of HSE "cHARISMa" and JINR "Govorun". The parties also discussed the possibilities of cooperation in the area of machine and deep machine learning. Representatives of HSE presented their experience and proposals for collaboration in this area as applied to data simulation and simulation of detector systems in such physics experiments as LHCb and SHiP at CERN, as well as MPD and BM@N at the NICA accelerator complex at JINR. Focus was on the capabilities and approaches to the application of artificial intelligence techniques for the SPD experiment at NICA.

In their turn, in addition to their experience in computing for physical experiments, MLIT specialists told their colleagues about the Laboratory's applied research and results on implementation of deep machine learning techniques in such areas as agriculture and environmental monitoring. The representatives of the Higher School of Economics were interested in MLIT's information on the development of algorithms based on machine learning and deep learning in the field of radiobiology, in particular, development of web services to automate data processing in experiments on the investigation of the effects of ionizing radiation on biological objects.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to meet to work out further practical steps to build cooperation within the framework of participation in the 11th International Conference GRID'2025 in July, as well as at the upcoming collaboration meetings of BM@N, MPD and SPD experiments.

As reported by MLIT

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