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Organized by:
JINR (Dubna), RIKEN (Wako), GSI (Darmstadt), GANIL (Caen)

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blue.gif (908 bytes)   [News]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Organizing Committee]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [First Circular]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Second Circular]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Topics]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Application Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Visa Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Abstracts]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Proceedings]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Symposium Fee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Programme]
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Excursions for all participants and accompanying persons
(Included in the Conference fee)

  9 July Excursion to Valaam Island (old secluded monastery of Valaam)
11 July Excursion to the Hermitage in the Russian and English languages

Additional Excursions for Accompanying Persons
(Not included in the Conference fee)




4 July

15:00 –17:00

A walk to the Palaces and Fountains of Peterhof.

5 July

09:30 – 14:30

“Glamorous St.Petersburg in the year of its anniversary” – A city tour, including a visit to St. Peter-and-Paul Fortress.


16:00 – 18:30

Excursion to the Alexander Park, with a visit to the Museum “Cottage”.

6 July

09:30 – 14:30

Excursion to the Gatchina Palace.


16:00 – 19:00

Excursion to the Grand Palace of Peterhof.

7 July


An evening at the Mariinsky Theatre.



A city bus tour – St.Petersburg in the White Nights.

8 July

09:30 – 14:30

The romantic Emperor Pavel I. Excursion to the Pavlovsk Palace and Park.

10 July

15:00 – 20:00

Excursion to the Park and Catherine’s Palace in Pushkin
(Tsarskoe selo).

Those who want to join, please for signing up and payment   contact the Organizingcommittee (Building 3).

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¿ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2003
Web support by L. Kalmykova