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Organized by:
JINR (Dubna), RIKEN (Wako), GSI (Darmstadt), GANIL (Caen)

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blue.gif (908 bytes)   [News]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Organizing Committee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [First Circular]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Second Circular]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Topics]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Application Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Visa Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Abstracts]
star-gr.gif (941 bytes)  [Proceedings]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Symposium Fee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Programme]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Participants]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Contacts]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Venue]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Excursions]



shar.gif (964 bytes)PROCEEDINGS:

The Symposium Proceedings will be published shortly after the Symposium. The volume will only include the papers presented at the Symposium. Detailed information on the preparation of the manuscripts will be provided in the next Circular.



The Book of Proceedings of EXON2004 will be published with the World Scientific Publishing.
For more information regarding style files for LaTex and MS Word, please visit the following websit

We plan used Trim Size 9.00"x6.00"
As was noted in our previous message, the requirements are as follows:
   Oral 30 min. presentations - 8 pages
   Oral 20 min. presentations - 6 pages
   Poster presentation - 4 pages

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© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2004
Web support by L. Kalmykova