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Organized by:
JINR (Dubna), RIKEN (Wako), GSI (Darmstadt), GANIL (Caen)

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blue.gif (908 bytes)   [News]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Organizing Committee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [First Circular]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Second Circular]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Topics]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Application Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Visa Form]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Abstracts]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Proceedings]
star-gr.gif (941 bytes)  [Symposium Fee]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Programme]
bdblue.gif (908 bytes)   [Participants]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Contacts]
blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Venue]

blue.gif (908 bytes)   [Excursions]


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shar.gif (964 bytes) SYMPOSIUM FEE:

The registration fee (including accommodation and full board in Peterhof and on board the ship, coffee breaks, welcome reception, banquet, social program and transportation from the Saint-Petersburg airport to the hotel in Peterhof and back) is 700 Euro for the participants and 500 Euro for accompanying persons. The fee should be paid in cash at the registration desk upon arrival.

Partial financial support will be available for young physicists. The candidates for financial support will be selected by the Organizing Committee from participants under 35 years of age on the basis of a competition of their abstracts.

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© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 2004
Web support by L. Kalmykova