Part 1 | up |
Bilenky S.M. Neutrino (eng, 885 Kb) Neutrinos are the only fundamental fermions which have no electric charges. Because of that neutrinos have no direct electromagnetic interaction and at relatively small energies they can take part only in weak processes with virtual W± and Z0 bosons. Neutrino masses are many orders of magnitude smaller than masses of charged leptons and quarks. These two circumstances make neutrinos unique, special particles. The history of the neutrino is very interesting, exciting and instructive. We try here to follow the main stages of the neutrino history starting from the famous Pauli letter and finishing with the discovery and study of neutrino oscillations. Outstanding contribution to the neutrino physics of Bruno Pontecorvo is discussed in some detail. |
Kornyak V.V. Classical and Quantum Discrete Dynamical Systems (rus, 815 Kb) We study deterministic and quantum dynamics from a constructive "finite" point of view, since the introduction of a continuum, or other actual infinities in physics poses serious conceptual and technical difficulties, without any need for these concepts to physics as an empirical science. Particular attention is paid to the symmetry properties of discrete systems. For a consistent description of the symmetries of dynamical systems at different times and the symmetries of the various parts of such systems, we introduce discrete analogs of the gauge connections. Gauge structures are particularly important to describe the quantum behavior. Fundamental properties of the behavior of dynamical systems are defined by their symmetries. In particular, we can show that the moving soliton-like structures are inevitable in a deterministic (classical) dynamical system, whose symmetry group breaks the set of states into a finite number of orbits of the group. We show that quantum behavior is a natural consequence of symmetries of dynamical systems. This behavior is the result of a fundamental inability to trace the identity of indistinguishable objects in the process of evolution. Information is available only on invariant statements and values, relating to such objects. Using mathematical arguments of a general nature we can show that any quantum dynamics can be reduced to a sequence of permutations. Quantum interferences occur in the invariant subspaces of permutation representations of symmetry groups of dynamical systems. The observable values can be expressed in terms of permutation invariants. We also show that for the description of quantum phenomena, instead of a nonconstructive number system - the field of complex numbers, it is enough to use cyclotomic fields - the minimal extentions of natural numbers suitable for quantum mechanics. Finite groups of symmetries play a central role in this article. The interest in such groups has an additional motivation in physics. Numerous experiments and observations in particle physics point to an important role of finite groups of relatively low orders in a number of fundamental processes. The origin of these groups has no explanation within the currently recognized theories, in particular, in the Standard Model. |
Tsyganov Yu.S. Detection of Highly Ionizing Particles: Nonlinear Near-Surface Phenomena in Silicon Radiation Detectors (rus, 705 Kb) From the viewpoint of detection system, the experiment on synthesis and study of the properties of superheavy nuclei is one of the most difficult tasks. In fact, these experiments can be considered extreme in many senses: - extremely low formation cross sections of the products under investigation, - extremely high heavy-ion beam intensities, - high radioactivity of actinide targets, which are used in the experiments aimed at the synthesis of superheavy nuclei, - extremely long duration of the experiment, - extremely low yield of the products under investigation, - very high required sensitivity of the detection system, and - radical suppression of the background products (method of "active correlations"). The two last points are the subject of the present paper in a wide sense as well as the subject of my two reviews printed before. It is evident that without knowledge about the nature of the internal processes in semiconductor detectors, it is practically impossible to provide clear detection of ultra rare decay signals. In the present paper, the author reports on the investigation of near surface phenomena in silicon radiation detectors, first of all bearing in mind the theoretical-methodological aspect of these phenomena. Nonequilibrium electron-hole recombination, pulse height defect formation, charge multiplication, and formation of "hot" electron subsystem are considered. Just with these very phenomena one can observe nonlinearity of energy-charge-amplitude conversion for heavy ion (evaporation residues) detected with silicon detector. Practical applications are also considered. One of them is a deeply modified method of "active correlations". Projection of applying the method in the experiments with the modernized cyclotron (DC-280 FLNR project) is presented as well as possible applications in the heavy-ion induced complete fusion nuclear reactions. |
Kharzheev Yu.N. Modern Trends in the Charged Particle Identification Methods at High Energies (rus, 9607 Kb) Particle identification methods based on the measurements of Ring Imaging CHerenkov angles (RICH), Time of Flight (TOF), Time of Propagation (TOP) and Ionization energy loss (dE/dx) are considered. Many operating spectrometers (LHCb, ALICE, COMPASS, Belle, BaBar) and planned ones (Belle-2, PANDA) are considered as examples where the modern ideas and trends in the particle identification are implemented. |
Synopsis (rus, 51 Kb) |
Part 2 | up |
International Conference |
Dubna, October 4-7, 2011 |
Proceedings of the Conference |
Part I |
Introduction |
Aleksejevs A.G., Barkanova S.G., Ilyichev A.N., Kolomensky Yu.G., Zykunov V.A. One-Loop Electroweak Corrections for Polarized M ![]() |
Alfaro J. Delta Gravity (eng, 220 Êb) |
Andrianov A.A., Andrianov V.A., Novikov O.O. Localization of Scalar Fields on Self-Gravitating Thick Branes (eng, 217 Êb) |
Arbuzova E.V., Dolgov A.D. Modified Gravity in Contemporary Universe (eng, 209 Êb) |
Barvinsky A.O., Gusev Yu.V. New Representation of the Nonlocal Ghost-Free Gravity Theory (eng, 128 Êb) |
Bednyakov V.A. One Needs Positive Signatures for Detection of Dark Matter (eng, 163 Êb) |
Bitioukov S.I., Krasnikov N.V. Modified Frequentist Determination of Confidence Intervals for Poisson Distribution (eng, 137 Êb) |
Buchbinder I.L., Pletnev N.G., Samsonov I.B. Background Field Formalism and Construction of Effective Action for ![]() |
Cherednikov I.O., Mertens T., Van der Veken F.F. Cusped Light-Like Wilson Loops in Gauge Theories (eng, 217 Êb) |
Ermolaev B.I., Greco M., Troyan S.I. Origin of the Q2-Dependence of the DIS Structure Functions (eng, 145 Êb) |
Gonzalez I., Kondrashuk I. Belokurov-Usyukina Loop Reduction in Noninteger Dimension (eng, 166 Êb) |
Gladyshev A.V., Jur![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Advection of a Passive Vector Field by the Gaussian Velocity Field with Finite Correlations in Time (eng, 220 Êb) |
Groote S., K![]() Understanding PT Results for Decays of ![]() |
Heinemeyer S., Mondrag![]() Finite Unified Theories and Their Predictions (eng, 705 Êb) |
Hnati![]() ![]() ![]() Field-Theoretic Technique for Irreversible Reaction Processes (eng, 453 Êb) |
Honkonen J. Green Functions in Stochastic Field Theory (eng, 166 Êb) |
Jur![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Advection of Passive Magnetic Field by the Gaussian Velocity Field with Finite Correlations in Time and Spatial Parity Violation (eng, 245 Êb) |
Kotikov A.V. The Property of Maximal Transcendentality: Calculation of Anomalous Dimensions in the ![]() |
Larin S.A. On-Mass-Shell Renormalizability of the Massive Yang-Mills Theory (eng, 103 Êb) |
Lipatov L.N. Effective Action for the Regge Processes in Gravity (eng, 292 Êb) |
Part 3 | up |
International Conference |
Dubna, October 4-7, 2011 |
Proceedings of the Conference |
Part II |
Lukash V.N., Mikheeva E.V., Strokov V.N. The Early Universe and Cosmogenesis (eng, 160 Kb) | |
Mir-Kasimov R.M. Factorization Method for Schr ![]() | |
Nesterenko A.V. Inclusive ![]() | |
Pestov I.B. Geometrization of the Electromagnetic Field and Dark Matter (eng, 129 Kb) | |
Pis'mak D.Yu., Pis'mak Yu.M. Chern-Simons Potential in Models of Interaction of Electromagnetic Field with Thin Films (eng, 182 Kb) | |
Pivovarov G.B. The Inaction Approach to Gauge Theories (eng, 130 Kb) | |
Radyushkin A.V. Topics in Theory of Generalized Parton Distributions (eng, 526 Kb) | |
Shevchenko O.Yu., Akhunzyanov R.R., Lavrentyev V.Yu. QCD Analysis of the Semi-Inclusive HERMES and COMPASS Data (eng, 122 Kb) | |
Stefanis N.G. Taming Landau Singularities in QCD Perturbation Theory: The Analytic Approach 2.0 (eng, 398 Kb) | |
Vysotsky M.I. The Coulomb Problem in Superstrong $B$: Atomic Levels and Critical Nuclei Charges (eng, 133 Kb) | |
de Vega H., Lipatov L.N. Integrability of the BFKL Dynamics and Pomeron Trajectories in a Thermostat (eng, 350 Kb) | |
Gladyshev A.V., Parpalak R.S. Neutrino-Neutralino Mixing and One-Loop Corrections in the R-Parity Violating Supersymmetric Model (eng, 158 Kb) | |
Kotikov A.V., Shaikhatdenov B.G. Q2-Evolution of Parton Densities at Small x Values. Combined H1 ![]() | |
Kowalski H., Lipatov L.N., Ross D.A. BFKL Evolution as a Communicator between Small and Large Energy Scales (eng, 443 Kb) | |
Lykasov G.I., Grinyuk A.A., Bednyakov V.A. Saturation of Gluon Density and Soft pp Collisions at the LHC (eng, 187 Kb) | |
Veretin O. Analytical Results for the Four-Loop RG Functions in the 2D Nonlinear O(n) ![]() | |
Zinovjev G.M., Molodtsov S.V. Four-fermion Interaction in the Context of Study Collision of Relativistic Heavy Ion (rus, 1.083 Mb) | |
Part 4 | up |
Dinev D. Coherent Instabilities in the Booster and Collider of the Heavy Ion Accelerator Complex NICA (eng, 2.9 Ìb) In the first part, some knowledge about the coherent instabilities in cyclic accelerators and storage rings necessary for the analysis of the collective effects in the heavy ion collider NICA is given. In the second part, the possibilities for arising of the coherent instabilities in the booster and in the collider of the NICA complex are discussed. Both coupling impedances and instability thresholds and growth rates have been estimated for single and coupled bunches. Parameters of the beam feedback system for damping the instabilities have been analyzed. |
Anashin V.V., Aulchenko V.M., Baldin E.M., Barladyan A.K., Barnyakov A.Yu.,
Barnyakov M.Yu., Baru S.E., Basok I.Yu., Bedny I.V., Beloborodova O.L.,
Blinov A.E., Blinov V.E., Bobrov A.V., Bobrovnikov V.S., Bondar A.E.,
Buzykaev A.R., Vorobiov A.I., Gulevich V.V., Dneprovsky L.V.,
Zhilich V.N., Zhulanov V.V., Karpov G.V., Karpov S.V., Kononov S.A.,
Kotov K.Yu., Kravchenko E.A., Kudryavtsev V.N., Kuzmin A.S., Kulikov V.F.,
Kuper E.A., Levichev E.B., Maksimov D.A., Malyshev V.M., Maslennikov A.L.,
Medvedko A.S., Muchnoi N.Yu., Nikitin S.A., Nikolaev I.B., Onuchin A.P., Oreshkin S.B.,
Orlov I.O., Osipov A.A., Peleganchuk S.V., Pivovarov S.G., Poluektov A.O.,
Pospelov G.E., Prisekin V.G., Rodyakin V.A., Ruban A.A., Savinov G.A.,
Skovpen Yu.I., Skrinsky A.N., Smaluk V.V., Snopkov R.G., Sokolov A.V.,
Sukharev A.M., Talyshev A.A., Tayursky V.A., Telnov V.I., Tikhonov Yu.A., Todyshev K.Yu.,
Usov Yu.V., Kharlamova T.A., Shamov A.G., Shwartz B.A., Shekhtman L.I.,
Shusharo A.I., Yushkov A.N. Detector KEDR (rus, 1.9 Ìb) KEDR is a universal magnetic detector designed for a study of c and b quarks and two-photon physics that is operated at the VEPP-4M e+e- collider. A specific feature of the experiment is an absolute beam energy determination using two methods: the resonant depolarization and a faster, but less precise Compton backscattering of laser photons. A large series of measurements based on that have been performed to improve the precision of such fundamental particle parameters as mass, total and leptonic width. |
Agafonova N.Yu., Aleksandrov A.B., Anokhina A.M., Bagulya A.V., Vladimirov M.S.,
Gornushkin Yu.A., Dzhatdoev T.A., Dmitrievski S.G., Enikeev R.I., Zemskova S.G., Levashev D.K.,
Malgin A.S., Matveev V.A., Naumov D.V., Nikitina V.V., Okateva N.M., Olshevsky A.G.,
Podgrudkov D.A., Polukhina N.G., Roganova T.M., Ryazhskaya O.G., Ryasny V.G., Starkov N.I.,
Troshina V.L., Chernyavskiy M.M., Chukanov A.V., Shakyrianova I.R., Sheshukov A.S.,
Shoziyoev G.P., Shedrina T.V., Yakushev V.F. Search for ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This article highlights the status of the international OPERA experiment on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sabirov B.M., Budagov J.A., Shirkov G.D. First Samples of Ti and Nb Tubes Explosion Welding Joint with Stainless Steel for ILC 1.8 K Cryomodule (eng, 1.7 Ìb) The world first samples of Ti and Nb tubes joint with stainless steel ones by an explosion welding were manufactured in the frame of ILC R ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Serov V.V., Derbov V.L., Sergeeva T.A., Vinitsky S.I. Modern Methods for Calculations of Photoionization and Electron Impact Ionization of Two-Electron Atoms and Molecules (rus, 765 Êb) A review of some recently developed methods of calculating multiple differential cross-sections of photoionization and electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules having two active electrons is presented. The methods imply original approaches to calculating three-particle Coulomb wave functions. The external complex scaling method and the formalism of the Schr ![]() ![]() |
Synopsis (rus, 61 Kb) |
Part 5 | up |
Tarasov O.V., Vladimirov A.A. Three-Loop Calculations in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories (eng, 317 Êb) A detailed description of the method for analytical evaluation of the three-loop contributions to renormalization group functions is presented. This method is employed to calculate the charge renormalization function and anomalous dimensions for non-Abelian gauge theories with fermions in the three-loop approximation. A three-loop expression for the effective charge of QCD is given. Charge renormalization effect in the SU(4)-supersymmetric gauge model is shown to vanish at this level. A complete list of required formulas is given in Appendix. The above-mentioned results of three-loop calculations were published by the present authors (with A.Yu.Zharkov and L.V.Avdeev) in 1980 in «Physics Letters B». The present text, which treats the subject in more detail and contains a lot of calculational techniques, was also published in 1980 as the JINR Communication E2-80-483 (Dubna, 1980). |
Dubovichenko S.B. Neutron Capture by Light Nuclei at Astrophysical Energies (rus, 1 Ìb) Review is devoted to the description of the results obtained for the radiative capture of thermal neutrons and astrophysical energies on some light nuclei. Reactions were involved in the capture of the main chain reactions of primordial nucleosynthesis occurring during the formation and development of the Universe. Consideration of these processes is carried out in the framework of the potential of a cluster model to the classification of the orbital states of the cluster diagrams of Young. The review demonstrated the applicability of derived phase of analysis and description of the main characteristics of the bound states of nuclei in the cluster channels intercluster potentials for analysis of the radiative capture. |
Cirilo-Lombardo D.J. The Mathematical and Geometrical Structure of the Space-Time and the Concept of Unification of Matter and Energy (eng, 286 Kb) Following the guidelines of previous works of the author, the geometrical analysis of a new type of Unified Field Theoretical models (UFT) is presented. These new unified theoretical models are characterized by an underlying hypercomplex structure, zero nonmetricity; and the geometrical action is determined fundamentally by the curvature provenient of the breaking of symmetry of a group manifold in higher dimensions. This mechanism of the Cartan--MacDowell--Mansouri type permits us to construct geometrical actions of determinantal type leading to a nontopological physical Lagrangian due to the splitting of a reductive geometry. Our goal is to take advantage of the geometrical and topological properties of this theory in order to determine the minimal group structure of the resultant space-time manifold able to support a fermionic structure. From this fact, the relation between antisymmetric torsion and Dirac structure of the space-time is determined, and the existence of an important contribution of the torsion to the gyromagnetic factor of the fermions is shown. Also we resume and analyze previous cosmological solutions in this new UFT, where, as in our work [3] for the non-Abelian Born-Infeld model, the Hosoya and Ogura ansatz is introduced for the important cases of tratorial, totally antisymmetric and general torsion fields. In the case of space-time with torsion, the real meaning of the spin-frame alignment is found and the question of the minimal coupling is discussed. |
Synopsis (rus, 42 Kb) |
Part 6 | up |
Dubna, September 17-22, 2012 |
Proceedings of the Symposium |
Editors: R.Lednick![]() |
Bedfer Y. (COMPASS Collab.) Recent Results from COMPASS Spin Program (eng, 236 Êb) COMPASS is a fixed target experiment at CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron. Part of its physics program is dedicated to the spin structure of the nucleon, which it studies with a polarized muon beam and polarized targets. An overview of its recent results along this line is given, in particular: the first results of our 2011 longitudinally polarized proton run, a report on our progress towards the extraction of the gluon polarization, ![]() |
Belov A.S. Polarized Ion Sources: Status and Perspectives (eng, 97 Êb) Modern polarized ion sources generate polarized ion beams with high intensity and polarization. Mainly, atomic beam-type and optically pumped polarized ion sources are used to provide polarized ion beams to accelerators. Principles of both methods are outlined in the paper. Characteristics as well as possible improvements of polarized ion sources are considered. |
Bradamante F. Summary Talk (eng, 77 Êb) |
Chiosso M. (COMPASS Collab.) COMPASS-II (eng, 148 Êb) On December the 1st, 2010, the proposal of the COMPASS-II experiment [1] has been approved by the CERN Research Board. After almost ten years of important results achieved by the COMPASS Collaboration in both nucleon spin physics, with the use of muon beam, and hadron spectroscopy, using hadron beams, this second phase offers now a unique chance to address in the very near future newly opened QCD-related challenges, at very moderate upgrade cost, thanks to the versatility of the COMPASS apparatus [2]. This implies mainly study of chiral perturbation theory (ChPT), by measuring the pion polarizability through the Primakoff reaction; generalized parton distributions (GPDs), by measuring exclusive deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and hard exclusive meson production (DVMP); transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions (TMDs) in single-polarized pion-induced Drell-Yan muon production and in SIDIS on a liquid hydrogen target (in parallel to DVCS). An overview of the COMPASS-II proposal is presented here, with a main focus on the new upcoming investigation of the nucleon structure via the Drell-Yan and DVCS processes. |
Destefanis M. (PANDA Collab.) Drell-Yan Studies in ![]() The nucleonic structure is far to be completely understood. A transverse momentum-dependent description of the nucleon structure is a crucial milestone for several forthcoming studies in a wide range of experimental scenarios. By means of antiproton beams, eventually polarized, that will be available at the future FAIR facility with a beam momentum up to 15 GeV/c, the nonperturbative region of the QCD could be accessed. One of the main goals of the forthcoming experiments at FAIR is the investigation of those Drell-Yan lepton pairs produced in proton-antiproton annihilations, taking advantage of the high expected luminosities. Drell-Yan studies are a unique tool to access the spin-dependent properties of the nucleon, and namely its transverse degrees of freedom. Transverse Momentum-Dependent (TMD) Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs), in particular, the Boer-Mulders, the Sivers, and the transversity distribution functions, could be widely investigated by means of the corresponding experimental azimuthal asymmetries. In later stages of FAIR, single- and double-spin asymmetries could be investigated as well. The Drell-Yan physics program which could be accessed at FAIR will be discussed in detail, with a particular focus on the PANDA experimental scenario. |
Dymov S. (ANKE Collab.) Spin Physics at ANKE-COSY (eng, 211 Êb) The COSY accelerator (J ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Efremov A.V., Soffer J. An Analytical Review of DSPIN-11 (eng, 59 Êb) A short analytical review of the main results of the DSPIN-11 Workshop (JINR, Dubna, September 20-24, 2011) is given. |
Kalantar-Nayestanaki N. Polarization Observables in Three-Nucleon Systems (eng, 247 Êb) In the past two decades, several laboratories have produced a large amount of data for cross sections, analyzing powers, and other spin observables from various reactions in the three-nucleon system. The results allow one to arrive at a moderately good description of the data by only using the two-nucleon potentials in Faddeev-type calculations. The remaining discrepancies should, in principle, and aside from Coulomb and relativistic effects, be removed once the effects of three-nucleon forces are implemented. High precision data on elastic and break-up reactions show, however, that even after the inclusion of these effects, the picture is not complete yet and some ingredients are still missing in the calculations. |
Karpuk S., Allmendinger F., Burghoff M., Gemmel C., G![]() ![]() ![]() Spin Polarized 3He: from Basic Research to Medical Applications (eng, 170 Êb) Polarization of 3He gas by means of optical pumping is well known since the early 1960s with first applications in fundamental physics. Some thirty years later it was discovered that one can use hyperpolarized 3He as contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging of the lung. The wide interest in this new method made it necessary to find ways of polarizing 3He in large quantities with high polarization degrees. A high performance polarizing facility has been developed at the University of Mainz, designed for centralized production of hyperpolarized 3He gas. We present the Mainz concept as well as some examples of numerous applications of spin polarized 3He in fundamental research and medical applications. |
Kekelidze V.D., Kovalenko A.D., Lednick![]() Status of NICA Complex at JINR (eng, 433 Êb) New scientific programme is proposed at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna aimed at the study of hot and dense baryonic matter in the wide energy region from 2 GeV/amu to ![]() |
Kroll P. Generalized Parton Distributions from Meson Leptoproduction (eng, 179 Êb) Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) extracted from exclusive meson leptoproduction within the handbag approach are briefly reviewed. Only the GPD E is discussed in some detail. Applications of these GPDs to virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) and to Ji's sum rule are also presented. |
Lanyov A.V. (ALICE, ATLAS and CMS Collab.) Results of Searches for Higgs Boson and New Physics at LHC (eng, 644 Êb) An overview is given of the recent results from the LHC experiments on the searches for a Higgs Boson and New Physics with ![]() |
Leader E. The Angular Momentum Controversy: What Is It All about and Does It Matter? (eng, 99 Êb) A controversy has arisen as to how to define quark and gluon angular momentum, important in understanding the internal structure of the nucleon. For a review of the controversy, see [1]. I survey some of the ideas put forward and try to assess their physical implications. |
Mochalov V. Spin Physics at IHEP (eng, 550 Êb) IHEP has rich program devoted to the spin physics studies. New experimental program will significantly increase the number of reactions investigated at large kinematic region. The experiment will measure different polarization variables in inclusive and exclusive reactions, including single- and double-spin asymmetry, polarization, spin transfer parameters. One of the most important tasks is the creation of the polarized beam and especially polarized antiproton beam. |
Nagaytsev A.P. Spin Physics at JINR: Present and Future (eng, 1 Mb) A short review of spin physics program at JINR is presented. The proposals on spin program at the NICA collider are discussed. The main purpose of this program is to study the nucleon spin structure and other phenomena with polarized proton and deuteron beams. |
Perdrisat C.F. The Form Factors of the Nucleons (eng, 280 Kb) There has been much activity in the measurement of the elastic electromagnetic proton and neutron form factors in the last decade, and the quality of the data has been greatly improved by performing double-polarization experiments, in comparison with the previous unpolarized cross-section data. Here we will review the experimental data base in view of the new results for the proton and the neutron, obtained at MIT-Bates, JLab, and MAMI. The rapid evolution of phenomenological models triggered by these high-precision experiments will be discussed. In particular, the possibility that the proton is nonspherical in its ground state, and that the transverse charge density is model-independently defined in the infinite momentum frame. Likewise, flavor decomposition of the nucleon form factors into dressed u and d quark form factors, may give information about the quark-diquark structure of the nucleon. The current proton radius «crisis» will also be discussed. |
Prokudin A. Spin Effects, QCD, and Jefferson Laboratory with 12 GeV Electrons (eng, 715 Kb) QCD and spin physics are playing important role in our understanding of hadron structure. I will give a short overview of the origin of the hadron structure in QCD and highlight modern understanding of the subject. Jefferson Laboratory is undergoing an upgrade that will increase the energy of electron beam up to 12 GeV. JLab is one of the leading facilities in nuclear-physics studies, and once operational in 2015 JLab 12 will be crucial for future of nuclear physics. I will briefly discuss future studies in four experimental halls of Jefferson Lab. |
Schnell G. (HERMES Collab.) Overview of Recent Results from the HERMES Experiment (eng, 229 Kb) HERMES has taken a wealth of deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) data using the 27.6 GeV polarized lepton beam at HERA and various pure gas targets, both unpolarized and polarized, which opened the door to several unique results. Among them are the first evidences for the naive-T-odd Sivers and Collins effects as well as the recent first measurements of azimuthal modulations in the unpolarized semi-inclusive DIS cross section for charged kaons and pions and of beam-helicity asymmetries in exclusive leptoproduction of real photons using recoil-proton detection. An overview of HERMES results is given with emphasis on the exploration of the three-dimensional structure of the nucleon. |
Tanaka M., Kohri H., Ohta T., Yosoi M., Fujiwara M., Ueda K., Imoto S.,
Takamatsu K., Did![]() Production of Hyperpolarized Nuclei for MRI (eng, 172 Kb) The project in producing the hyperpolarized 3He and 19F is addressed in pursuit of radiation-free medical diagnosis. The program for production of the hyperpolarized 3He by the brute force method with the Pomeranchuk cooling and the rapid melting of the solid 3He started a few years ago, and is still on the way, while a new program for production of the hyperpolarized 19F by means of the PHIP (ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization) has just got started. Particular attention is placed upon a new idea of the hyperpolarization catalyst to be used for 19F. |
Thomas A., Borisov N.S., Arends H.-J., Fedorov A.N., Gurevich G.M.,
Kondratiev R.L., Korolija M., Lazarev A.B., Martinez M., Meyer W.,
Mironov S.V., Neganov A.B., Pavlov V.N., Ortega H., Reicherz G., Usov Yu.A. The New Frozen-Spin Target at MAMI (eng, 2 Mb) The new frozen-spin polarized target for experiments at the polarized beam of the real photon facility A2 of the MAMI accelerator is described. The A2-collaboration at the MAinz MIcrotron (MAMI) is measuring photon absorption cross section using circularly and linearly polarized photons up to the energy of 1.5 GeV. The photons are produced in the «bremsstrahlung» process. In the years 2005/2006 the crystal ball detector with its unique capability to cope with multiphoton final states was set up in Mainz. Since 2010, the experimental apparatus has been completed by a polarized target. The horizontal dilution refrigerator of the frozen-spin target has been constructed and is operated in close cooperation with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia. The system offers the opportunity to provide longitudinally and transversely polarized protons and deuterons. In this paper, the operation experience of this new frozen-spin target and first results from the runs in 2010 and 2011 are presented. |
Author index (rus) | |
Subject index (rus) |