Year 2005, parts:
, 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
Part 1 |
up |
A. E. Radzhabov, M. K. Volkov
Charged Pion Polarizability in the Nonlocal Quark Model of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio
Type (english)
(131 Kb) |
N. A. Cherhikov, N. N. Paramonova,
N. S. Shavokhina
On Free Fall of a Relativistic Particle(english)
(73 Kb) |
L. V. Avdeev, M. V. Chizhov
A Queer Reduction of Degrees of Freedom(english)
(101 Kb) |
V. I. Kuvshinov, V. V. Marmysh
The Entanglement of Q-Bits and Young-Mills-Higgs
Fields in the Process of Evolution(rus)
(448 Kb) |
Yu. A. Troyan, A. V. Beljaev, A.
Yu. Troyan, E. B. Plekhanov, A. P. Jerusalimov, G. B. Piskaleva, S.
G. Arakelian
The Search and Study of the Baryonic Resonances with the Strangeness
S = +1 in the System of nK+ from the
Reaction np ® npK+K-
at the Momentum of Incident Neutrons Pn = (5.20
± 0.12)GeV/c (rus)
(676 Kb) |
V. I. Yurevich, V. A. Nikolaev,
R. M. Yakovlev, I. B. Vorobiev
Fission Cross Section of 181Ta for Protons in the Energy
Range 200-1000 MeV (english)
(109 Kb) |
V. I. Yurevich, V. A. Nikolaev,
R. M. Yakovlev, I. B. Vorobiev
Study of Disintegration of Materials in the Radiation Field of
Thick Lead Target(english)
(200 Kb) |
E. P. Akishina, V. V. Ivanov, B.
F. Kostenko
Cellular Automata Approach to Investigation of High Burn-Up Structures
in Nuclear Reactor Fuel (english)
(330 Kb) |
V. F. Konoplianikov, A. R. Urkinbaev,
O. L. Kodolova
The Background Study for the "g + jet"
Channel at Low Luminosity in the CMS Detector(rus)
(316 Kb) |
Yu. G. Alenitsky, S. B. Vorozhtsov,
A. S. Vorozhtsov, A. A. Glazov, G. V. Mitsyn, A. G. Molokanov, L.
M. Onischenko
T Variable Energy Cyclotron for Proton Therapy Application(rus)
(466 Kb) |
V. L. Aksenov, V. V. Efimov, E.
A. Efimova, Yu. S. Kovalev, B. N. Mavrin, V. V. Sikolenko, S. I. Tiutiunnikov,
A. R. Sternberg
Investigation of the High-Current Pulsed Electron Beam Influence
on the PLZT 8/65/35 Relaxor by Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy
(402 Kb) |
Part 2 |
up |
I. R. Boyko, K. V. Nikolaev,
G. A. Chelkov
Study of Higgs Boson Decays H ®
mmmm Using the Full Simulation of ATLAS
Detector (rus)
(618 Kb) |
A. M. Bakalyarov, A. Ya. Balysh,
S. T. Belyaev, V. I. Lebedev, S. V. Zhukov
Results of the Experiment on Investigation of 76Ge
Double Beta Decay (english)
(276 Kb) |
N. L. Russakovich, V. В. Flyagin
On the Latest Study at the Proton Synchrotron U70 of the Decays
K± ® p0ep
n`n and K± ®
p± p0
p0 (rus)
(210 Kb) |
A. I. Ahmadov
Radiative Production of the Lightest Neutralino (english)
(376 Kb) |
Yu. P. Gangrsky, V. I. Zhemenik,
N. Yu. Maslova, G. V. Mishinsky, Yu. E. Penionzhkevich
Yields of Fragments in the Spontaneous and Photofission of
248Cm (rus)
(145 Kb) |
Yu. P. Gangrsky, S. G. Zemlyanoi,
D. V. Karaivanov, K. P. Marinova, B. N. Markov, L. M. Melnikova, G.
V. Mishinsky, Yu. E. Penionzhkevich, V. I. Zhemenik
Production of Photofission Fragments and Study of Their Nuclear
Structure by Laser Spectroscopy (english)
(162 Kb) |
R. Leitner (for the ATLAS collaboration)
Status of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (english)
(875 Kb) |
B. Batyunya, A. De Caro,
G. Pai ,
A. Pesci, S. Zaporozhets (for the ALICE collaboration)
Simulation of j ®
K+K- Detection in the ALICE
Experiment (english)
(521 Kb) |
S. V. Afanasiev, D. K. Driablov
Reconstruction Method of Physical Event on SCAN Spectrometer
(312 Kb) |
L. S. Azhgirey, M. Janek, A. N.
Khrenov, V. P. Ladygin, V. F. Peresedov, V. G. Perevozchikov, G. D.
Stoletov, T. A. Vasiliev, V. N. Zhmyrov, L. S. Zolin
Measurement of the Extracted Deuteron Beam Vector Polarization
at the Nuclotron (english)
(333 Kb) |
Part 3 |
up |
Dubna, September 23-24, 2003
Proceedings of the Seminar
Edited by I.N.Meshkov and A.P.Soumbaev
V. D. Anan'ev, A. R. Frolov, W. I. Furman, S. M. Gurov, V. V. Kobets,
R. P. Kuatbekov, P. V. Logachev, I. N. Meshkov, V. M. Pavlov, V. G. Pyataev,
G. D. Shirkov, V. A. Shvets, B. A. Skarbo, A. P. Soumbaev, I. T. Tretiyakov
Intense Resonance Neutron Source (IREN) - New Pulsed Source
for Nuclear Physical and Applied Investigations (english)
(560 Kb) |
V. K. Antropov, E. B. Boltushkin, A. V. Ivanov, S. A. Ivashkevich, A. G. Kobets,
Yu. V. Korotaev, V. I. Lokhmatov, I. N. Meshkov, V. N. Pavlov, R. V. Pivin,
I. A. Seleznev, A. O. Sidorin, A. V. Smirnov, E. M. Syresin, G. V. Trubnikov,
S. L. Yakovekno
Project LEPTA: First Experiments with an Electron Beam (rus)
(355 Kb) |
Yu. G. Alenitsky, A. S. Vorozhtsov, S. B. Vorozhtsov, A. A. Glazov,
V. P. Dmitrievsky, N. L. Zaplatin, V. V. Kalinichenko, G. A. Karamysheva,
S. A. Kostromin, L. M. Onischenko, E. V. Samsonov
High-Current Cyclotron-Injector for JINR Phasotron
(1.77 Mb) |
O. K. Beliaev, V. V. Kobets, I. G. Maltsev, I. N. Meshkov,
V. B. Stepanov, E. M. Syresin, V. A. Tepliakov
Forinjector on the Base of Linear Accelerator for External
Injection into JINR Synchrocyclotron
(346 Kb) |
Yu. N. Denisov, S. N. Dolya, V. V. Kalinichenko,
G. A. Karamysheva, S. A. Kostromin, S. B. Fedorenko
Initial Operation of the Cyclotron CYTRACK
(377 Kb) |
Yu. G. Alenitsky, S. B. Vorozhtsov, A. S. Vorozhtsov, A. A. Glazov,
G. V. Mitsyn, A. G. Molokanov, L. M. Onischenko
Feasibility of the Cyclotron Beam Production
for Proton Therapy Application
(553 Kb) |
N. I. Tarantin
Strong Electrostatic Focusing of Intense Beam
of Charged Particles for Direct Accelerating
(270 Kb) |
A. V. Agafonov, E. G. Krastelev, A. N. Lebedev
Symmetric Low-Voltage Powering System
for Relativistic Electronic Devices
(267 Kb) |
N. I. Balalykin, E. V. Boltushkin, V. V. Kobets, I. N. Meshkov,
I. A. Seleznev, G. D. Shirkov, M. V. Yurkov
Injector of Linac for DELSY
(642 Kb) |
V. S. Alexandrov, N. Yu. Kazarinov, V. F. Shevtsov, G. D. Shirkov
Optimization of Transportation Channels
for Intense Beams Subject to Longitudinal Momentum Spread
(330 Kb) |
V. M. Pavlov
Calculation of Two Coupled Cavities in Acceleration
and Beam's Energy Recuperation Load
(313 Kb) |
V. S. Alexandrov, N. Yu. Kazarinov, M. N. Sazonov, A. P. Sumbaev, V. F. Shevtsov
Simulation of Beam Loading Effect in Accelerator LUE-200
(620 Kb) |
S. A. Tyurin, A. N. Ermakov, A. M. Kozodaev, Vl. S. Skachkov, Vic. S. Skachkov
Permanent Magnet Quadrupole
(361 Kb) |
V. G. Kuzmichev, A. M. Raskopin, A. M. Kozodaev
High-Power 81 MHz Amplifiers for RF-System of Linac - ITEP's
Terawatt Heavy Ion Accumulator Injector
(345 Kb) |
B. I. Grishanov, M. N. Kondaurov, A. S. Medvedko, V. V. Raschenko, Yu. F. Tokarev
Power Supply System for the Modulator of the Electron Gun
of the LUE-200 Linac
(458 Kb) |
A. N. Ermakov, G. A. Novikov, Vl. S. Skachkov, Vic. S. Skachkov,
S. A. Tyurin, V. I. Shvedunov, P. Trower
Phase Shifter of a 70 MeV Pulse Racetrack Microtron
(554 Kb) |
B. N. Gikal, E. V. Gorbachev, N. Yu. Kazarinov, V. I. Kazacha, G. S. Kazacha,
N. I. Lebedev, A. A. Makarov, V. A. Melnikov, V. I. Mironov,
S. V. Rabtsun, A. A. Fateev
The System for Scanning of Heavy Ion Beam
(507 Kb) |
A. V. Elzhov, N. S. Ginzburg, N. I. Zaitsev, I. N. Ivanov, E. V. Ilyakov, A. K. Kaminsky,
V. V. Kosukhin, S. V. Kuzikov, I. S. Kulagin, N. Yu. Peskov, E. A. Perelstein,
M. I. Petelin, S. N. Sedykh, A. P. Sergeev, A. S. Sergeev, I. V. Syratchev
Test Facility for Investigation of Lifetime
of Accelerating Structure Imitator
for CLIC
Collider due to Action of Powerful Pulsed 30 GHz Radiation
(493 Kb) |
Part 4 |
up |
M. V. Chizhov
ОDiscovery of New Physics in Radiative Pion Decays?
(577 Kb) |
I. L. Solovtsov, O. P. Solovtsova, Yu. D. Chernichenko
Relativistic Resummation of Threshold Singularities in the Quasi-Potential Approach
(427 Kb) |
I. R. Boyko, V. V. Zhuravlev
Study of t-Pair Production in Photon-Photon Collisions at LEP
and Limits on the Anomalous Electromagnetic Moments of the t Lepton
(922 Kb) |
A. B. Arbuzov,
E. Barto , V. V. Bytev, E. A. Kuraev, Z. K. Silagadze
Рождение мюонной (пионной) пары при высоких энергиях
в процессе электрон-позитронной аннигиляции с излучением фотона
(малая инвариантная масса пары)
(526 Kb) |
Tran Duc Thiep, Truong Thi An, Tran Dinh Phu, Phan Viet Cuong,
Nguyen The Vinh, Nguyen Thi Phuong Nam, Trinh Thi Thu My,
A. G. Belov, O. D. Maslov, Ho Huu Thang
Activation Method for Measurement of Bremsstrahlung Photon Flux
Produced by Electron Accelerator
(494 Kb) |
Yu. S. Lutostansky, V. I. Lyashuk
Antineutrino Spectrum from Powerful Reactor
and Neutrino Converter System
(549 Kb) |
V. S. Barashenkov , H. Kumawat, V. A. Lobanova, S. G. Stetsenko
Targets of Electronuclear Installations
(504 Kb) |
A. V. Elzhov, E. A. Perelstein
Influence of Phase Shift of Accompanying Wave on Electron Dynamics
in Two-Beam Accelerator Driver
(873 Kb) |
R. V. Polozov, V. S. Sivozhelezov, V. V. Ivanov, Yu. B. Melnikov
On a Classification of E. coli Promoters
according to Their Electrostatic Potentials
(625 Kb) |
V. Nikulin, G. Shabratova
The Histogramming Tool hparse
(295 Kb) |
A. V. Boreyko, A. P. Bulakh, Е. А. Krasavin
The Regularities of Formation of Gene and Structural Mutations
in Escherichia coli Cells after Heavy Ion Irradiation
(english) (392 Kb) |
A. V. Boreyko, D. V. Zhuravel
The Regularities of Precise Excision of Tn10 Transposon in E. coli Cells
after Irradiation with Accelerated Heavy Ions with Different LET
(410 Kb) |
Part 5 |
up |
Dubna, August 19-20, 2003
Proceedings of the Miniworkshop
Edited by S.Bondarenko, D.Blaschke and V.Burov
S. G. Bondarenko, V. V. Burov, N. Hamamoto,
A. Hosaka, Y. Manabe, H. Toki
One- and Two-Rank Separable Kernels of the Two-Nucleon System in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach
(398 Kb) |
S. G. Bondarenko, V. V. Burov, N. Hamamoto,
A. Hosaka, Y. Manabe, H. Toki
Elastic eD Scattering in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach for the Deuteron with the Positive- and Negative-Energy States
(268 Kb) |
G. R pke, A. Grigo, K. Sumiyoshi, Hong Shen
The Nuclear Matter Equation of State Including Light Clusters
(257 Kb) |
D. Ebert, R. N. Faustov, V. O. Galkin
Mass Spectra of Heavy-Light Mesons and Doubly Heavy Baryonss
(290 Kb) |
V. D. Toneev, Yu. B. Ivanov,
E. G. Nikonov, W. N renberg, V. N. Russkikh
Three-Fluid Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Heavy-Ion Collisions
Three-Fluid Relativistic Hydrodynamics for Heavy-Ion Collisions
(510 Kb) |
S. A. Smolyansky, V. V. Skokov, A. V. Prozorkevich
Kinetic Theory of the Quantum Field Systems with Unstable Vacuum
(304 Kb) |
V. L. Yudichevs
Pseudoscalar Mesons with Finite Width in Dense Matter
(201 Kb) |
D. B. Blaschke, K. A. Bugaev
Thermodynamics of Resonances with Finite Width
(121 Kb) |
Yu. L. Kalinovsky, D. B. Blaschke
Hadron Form Factors and J/j Dissociation
(249 Kb) |
M. A. Ivanov,
J. G. K rner, P. Santorelli
Charm Dissociation in a Relativistic Quark Model
(224 Kb) |
A. E. Radzhabov, M. K. Volkov
SU(2) x SU(2) Nonlocal Quark Model with Confinement and Pion Radius
(english) (232 Kb) |
S. G. Bondarenko, V. V. Burov, A. A. Goy, E. P. Rogochaya
Exclusive Electrodisintegration of the Deuteron
in the Bethe-Salpeter Approach
(175 Kb) |
A. Yu. Illarionov, G. I. Lykasov
Charmonium Dissociation by Pion and r Meson
(192 Kb) |
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov
The Point-Like Sources of Euclidean Non-Abelian Field in Instanton Liquid
(151 Kb) |
Part 6 |
up |
M. V. Altaisky
Causality and Multiscale Decompositions
in Quantum Field Theory
(104 Kb) |
V. N. Penev, A. I. Shklovskaya, E. N. Kladnitskaya
Cluster-Flucton Revelation in Nuclear Interactions at 4.2 (GeV/c)/N
(325 Kb) |
J. Adam, A. Balabekyan, V. S. Barashenkov, V. G. Kalinnikov,
M. I. Krivopustov, V. S. Pronskikh, A. A. Solnyshkin, V. I. Stegailov,
V. P. Filinova, V. M. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, R. Brandt, W. Westmeier,
R. Odoj, S. G. Mashnik, R. E. Prael, K. K. Gudima, M. I. Baznat
Comparison of the Residual Nuclei Formation Cross Sections
in the Targets 237Np and 241Am at the
Proton Energy 660 MeV with Model Calculations
(630 Kb) |
K. A. Gridnev, D. K. Gridnev, V. G. Kartavenko,
V. E. Mitroshin, V. N. Tarasov, D. V. Tarasov, W. Greiner
About Stability of Nuclei with Neutron Excess
(562 Kb) |
A. K. Kaminsky
Evaluations of Loss of the U+28-Ion Beam Intensity
Due to Collisions of the Ions with Residual Gas Molecules
in the SIS-100 Synchrotron of the GSI Projected Accelerator Facility
(510 Kb) |
P. Zuzaan, B. Otgooloi, Z. Damdinsuren
Method for Determination of the Au in Gold-Containing Samples
Using Moderated Neutrons
(171 Kb) |
Yu. L. Ratis
Fireball as a Macroscopic Manifestation of the
b Decay
of the Radioactive Phosphorus into Bound States
(205 Kb) |
А. V. Аgapov, V. N. Gaevsky, I. A. Gulidov, A. V. Iglin,
Ye. I. Luchin, G. V. Mitsyn, A. G. Molokanov,
M. A. Tseitlina, E. P. Cherevatenko, S. V. Shvidkij
The Technique of 3D Conformal Proton Radiotherapy
(250 Kb) |
Kh. T. Kholmurodov
Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Structural Conformations
of Rhodopsin and Prion Proteins
(529 Kb) |
K. А. Lyubimova,
N. V. Shvaneva, N. A. Koltovaya
Induction of Different Types of Mutations in Yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae by g-Radiation (rus)
(295 Kb) |