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Part 1 | up |
Ryabov V.A. Registration of the Ultra-High Energy Astrophysical Neutrino (rus, 1.848 Mb) The problems of detecting ultrahigh energy neutrinos formed in distant astrophysical sources as a result of the decay of superheavy particles are reviewed. The possibilities of observation of neutrino fluxes are analyzed with allowance for features of the ultrahigh-energy neutrino propagation and interaction. Both operating experimental arrays and arrays being developed intended to investigate neutrinos from various astrophysical sources are described: neutrino telescopes recording neutrino interactions in large natural water and ice volumes; ground-based detectors; and optical telescopes aboard orbital space stations, i.e., arrays capable of finding out horizontal showers initiated by neutrinos in the Earth's atmosphere. Devices based on new principles for detecting neutrinos of extremely high energies are also considered, namely, radiotelescopes intended for registration of Cherenkov radio emission from neutrino cascades arising in radiotransparent natural media such as the atmosphere, rock-salt domes, ice shields, lunar regolith, as well as underwater acoustic detectors. It is shown that putting in operation new experimental arrays will make it possible to observe neutrinos from majority of known astrophysical sources, with neutrino energies differing by more than 10 orders of magnitude: from several TeV up to 1022 - 1024 eV. | |
Lapidus K.O., Emelyanov V.M. Low-Mass Dilepton Pairs Creation in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision (rus, 1.323 Mb) Review is devoted to mechanisms of low-mass dilepton excess generation, observed in relativistic heavy-ion collision. Experimental data is reviewed. Besides consideration of traditional mechanisms of dilepton emission, specific for heavy-ion collisions (pion annihilation in hadron gas phase and quark-antiquark annihilation in quark-gluon phase), mechanism of dilepton emission from mixed phase is proposed and its contribution to low-mass region of dilepton spectra is evaluated. First-order corrections in strong coupling constant to dilepton production in parton media as well as recent nonperturbative attempts are considered. |
Yurevich V.I. Neutron Production in pA- and AA-Collisions (rus, 1.128 Mb) Review of experimental investigation of neutron production in pA- and AA-collisions in intermediate energy region is given. The results of measurements of energy spectra, angular distributions and yields of the neutrons as well as the role of the neutrons in energy balance of the reactions are discussed. Much attention is given to the description of the experimental data and the dependence of neutron emission characteristics on the projectile energy and type of colliding nuclei. Phenomenological model of moving sources for description of the neutron production double-differential cross sections in collisions of protons and light nuclei with target heavy nuclei is considered. This model helps to extract the neutrons emitted from hot nuclei formed in the central collisions and also to estimate freeze-out temperature Tf corresponding to the moment of multifragmentation decay. |
Logunov A.A., Mestvirishvili M.A. External Gravitational Field of Non-Static Spherically Symmetric Body (rus, 103 Kb) It is shown that in the field theory of gravitation the external gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric source described by a diagonal metric tensor should be static only. |
Nazmitdinov R.G. Magnetic Field and Symmetry Effects in Small Quantum Dots (english, 934 Kb) Shell phenomena in small quantum dots with a few electrons under a perpendicular magnetic field are discussed within a simple model. It is shown that various kinds of shell structure occurring at specific values of the magnetic field lead to disappearance of the orbital magnetization for particular magic numbers of noninteracting electrons in small quantum dots. Including the Coulomb interaction between two electrons, we found that the magnetic field gives rise to dynamical symmetries of a three-dimensional axially symmetric two-electron quantum dot with a parabolic confinement. These symmetries manifest themselves as near-degeneracy in the quantum spectrum at specific values of the magnetic field and are robust at any strength of the electron-electron interaction. A remarkable agreement between experimental data and calculations exhibits the important role of the thickness of the two-electron quantum dot for analysis of ground state transitions in a perpendicular magnetic field. |
Olshanetsky M. Classical Integrable Systems and Gauge Field Theories (english, 507 Kb) In this review we consider the Hitchin integrable systems and their relations with the self-duality equations and twisted supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. We define the symplectic Hecke correspondence between different integrable systems. As an example, we consider elliptic Calogero-Moser system and integrable Euler-Arnold top on coadjoint orbits of the group GL(N, C) and explain the symplectic Hecke correspondence for these systems. |
Batusov V., Budagov J., Khubua J., Lasseur C., Lyablin M., Russakovich N., Sissakian A., Topilin N. On a Laser Beam Fiducial Line Application for Metrological Purposes (english, 1.407 Mb) The possibility of a collimated one-mode laser beam used as a fiducial line is considered. The technology of an "extended" laser beam formation and application for a much extended fiducial line is proposed. |
Synopsis (rus, 65 Kb) |
Part 2 | up |
Krutov A.F., Troitsky V.E. Instantaneous Form of the Poincare-Invariant Quantum Mechanics and the Description of the Structure of the Composite Systems (rus, 512 Kb) The review is devoted to the description of relativistic approach to composite systems. Basis of this approach is the decomposition of the matrix elements of local currents by the Wigner-Eckart theorem on Poincar'e group. Impulse approximation is formulated without violation of the Lorentz-covariance and conservation law. Some results of the description of the electroweak properties are presented. |
Burkova N.A., Zhaksybekova K.A., Zhusupov M.A. One-Nucleon Spectroscopy of Light Nuclei (rus, 1.161 Mb) The best promising possibilities and shortcomings of the classic many-particle shell model and modern potential cluster models are under discussion. The new and revaluated one-nucleon spectroscopic characteristics of the light 1p-shell nuclei are presented. The calculations of the nucleonic partial high-excited "allowed" transitions within the many-particle shell model are shown for the nuclei with A = 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 and isospin T = 3/2, as well as the "forbidden" transitions are also implemented. One-nucleon spectroscopic factors have been calculated in the three-particle multicluster models of the following nuclei 6Li {a np}, 8Li {a tn} and 9Be{aa n}. For the isobar analogous 7Li-7Ве within the potential cluster approach a t and a ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Kolganova E.A., Motovilov A.K., Sandhas W. Ultracold Collisions in the System of Three Helium Atoms (rus, 2.212 Mb) We describe the Faddeev differential equations for a system of three particles with hard-core interactions. Then we review the numerical results obtained with these equations on binding energies of the 4He3 and 3He4He2 trimers as well as the ones on ultracold collisions of the 3,4He atoms with the 4He2 dimers. The hard-core Faddeev results are compared with analogous results obtained within different approaches. |
Batusov Yu.A., Soroko L.M. Mesooptics Creation History (rus, 990 Kb) This paper is devoted to the creation history of the Mesooptical Fourier-Transform Microscope (MFTM) for nuclear photoemulsion in the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR (1982-1996). The aim of the accomplished scientific methodological studies was to construct a working MFTM for straight line particle tracks with small dip angle. Both international priority and the results obtained allow the conclusion that the mesooptical section in the LNP JINR has indeed constructed the theoretical and experimental background needed for scientific research and practical realization of new mesooptical devices in the future. It has been found out that just before the mesooptics creation some scientists from LNP JINR built fundamentally new automatic treatment systems for 3D-information by rejecting the traditional algorithm of subdivision of the particle track image into its constituent components. Some proposals for using integral transforms of the whole input images were made as well. Meanwhile we must stress that only mesooptics made it possible for the first time to remove completely operations of refocusing in depth without any loss of information about the z-coordinate and the dip angle ![]() |
Dinev D. Processes in High-Energy Heavy-Ion Acceleration (english, 1.364 Mb) A review of processes that occur in high-energy heavy-ion acceleration by synchrotrons and colliders and that are essential for the accelerator performance is presented. Interactions of ions with the residual gas molecules/atoms and with stripping foils that deliberately intercept the ion trajectories are described in detail. These interactions limit both the beam intensity and the beam quality. The processes of electron loss and capture lie at the root of heavy-ion charge-exchange injection. The review pays special attention to the ion-induced vacuum pressure instability which is one of the main factors limiting the beam intensity. The intrabeam scattering phenomenon which restricts the average luminosity of ion colliders is discussed. Some processes in nuclear interactions of ultrarelativistic heavy ions, that could be dangerous for the performance of ion colliders, are represented in the last chapter. |
Synopsis (rus, 64 Kb) |
Part 3 | up |
Isaev P.S. Alpha and Omega of the Scientific Work of Academician M.A.Markov (rus, 172 Kb) The review is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.A.Markov (13.05.1908 - 01.10.1994). The brief sketch of scientific, administrative and social activity is given. The outstanding contribution to the theory of elementary particle physics, gravitation and cosmology is underlined. |
Ivanov E.A. Supersymmetry in Superspace: 35 Years of the Research Activity at LTP (rus, 349 Kb) This is an overview of the all-years research activity in supersymmetry in the Markov-Ogievetsky group at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. It started shortly after the discovery of supersymmetry and is lasting for more than 30 years. In this survey, the main emphasis is made on the superspace geometric approaches and unconstrained superfield formulations. Alongside such milestones as the geometric formulation of supergravity and the harmonic superspace approach to extended supersymmetry, some other developments largely contributed by the Dubna theorists are briefly accounted for. |
Lednick![]() Finite-Size Effect on Two-Particle Production in Continuous and Discrete Spectrum (english, 1.254 Mb) The formalism allowing one to account for the effect of a finite space-time extent of particle-production region is given. Its applications to the lifetime measurement of hadronic atoms produced by a high-energy beam in a thin target, as well as to the femtoscopy techniques widely used to measure space-time characteristics of the production processes, are discussed. Particularly, it is found that the neglect of the finite-size effect on the pionium lifetime measurement in the DIRAC experiment at CERN could lead to the lifetime overestimation comparable with the 10% statistical error. The theoretical systematic errors arising in the calculation of the finite-size effect due to the neglect of nonequal emission times in the pair center-of-mass system, the space-time coherence and the residual charge are shown to be negligible. |
Field J.H. Convergence and Gauge Dependence Properties of the Resummed One-Loop Quark-Quark Scattering Amplitude in Perturbative QCD (english, 460 Kb) The one-loop QCD effective charge aseff for quark-quark scattering is derived by diagrammatic resummation of the one-loop amplitude using an arbitrary covariant gauge. Except for the particular choice of gauge parameter x = -3, aseff is found to increase with increasing physical scale, Q, as ln Q or ln2 Q. For x = -3, aseff decreases with increasing Q and satisfies a renormalization group equation. Also, except for the case x = 19/9, convergence radii of geometric series are found to impose upper limits on Q. |
Kovalevsky M.Yu., Logvinova L.V., Маtskevych V.T. Investigation of Molecules Deformation Influence on Dynamics and Excitation Spectra in Nematic Liquid Crystals (rus, 1.293 Mb) The generalization of the dynamic equations in uniaxial and biaxial nematic liquid crystals taking into account deformation of structural elements of such condensed matter is obtained. The spectra of collective excitations are calculated and their angular dependence is established. The possibility of distribution from one up to three acoustic waves in nematics is predicted and their extreme angular characteristics are clarified. The results of investigations are compared to the available experimental data and their satisfactory coincidence is shown. The low-frequency asymptotics of two-temporary Green functions of uniaxial nematics are calculated. It is found out that their structure depends essentially on the character of spatial anisotropy of considered condensed matter and on the molecules shape. The polarization features of acoustic waves in uniaxial nematics are investigated. It is shown that the first and second sounds are superposition of the longitudinal and transversal components. The ratio of the amplitudes of these components is established as the function of an angle between a wave vector and an axis of anisotropy. |
Synopsis (rus, 59 Kb) |
Part 4 | up |
Pupyshev V.V. Generalizations of Fock and Kato Expansions for Three-Body Quantum Systems (rus, 976 Kb) In the review, the Schr ![]() |
Georgieva A.I., Ganev H.G., Draayer J.P., Garistov V.P. Description of Mixed-Mode Dynamics within the Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model (rus, 349 Kb) In the algebraic Interacting Vector Boson Model (IVBM) it is assumed that the nuclear dynamics can be described by means of two types of vector "quasiparticles", which are also characterized by another quantum number - a "T spin" (an analogue to the F spin). The noncompact symplectic group Sp (12,R) appears as the group of dynamical symmetry for the problem of two interacting vector bosons. The symplectic structure allows the change in the number of phonons, needed to build the collective states, that results in larger model spaces, which can accommodate the more complex structural effects as observed in the contemporary experiment. The applications of the IVBM are extended by exploiting three new subgroup chains in the reduction of Sp (12,R) to the physical angular momentum subgroup SO(3). The corresponding exactly solvable limiting cases are applied to achieve a description of complex nuclear collective spectra of even-even nuclei in the rare-earth and actinide regions up to states of very high angular momentum. The first reduction that we exploit is one that extends the rotational limit of the number preserving version of the model; namely, Sp (12,R) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The structure of band-head configurations, whose importance is established in the first two limits, is also examined in the third reduction, Sp (12,R) ![]() ![]() The symplectic extension of the IVBM permits a richer classification of the states than its unitary version and is shown to be appropriate for a description of rather diverse nuclear spectra. |
Kolesnikov D.V., Osipov V.A. A Field-Theory Approach to the Description of Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanostructures (rus, 1.014 Mb) A discovery of new microcrystalline forms of carbon having unique properties demands a development of new approaches for the theoretical description of their electronic characteristics. A single graphite plane (graphene) serves as the basic structure for the whole family of carbon nanostructures. The electronic states of graphene at the energies close to the Fermi energy are described by the field-theory Dirac-type model. The main known types of carbon nanostructures, such as fullerenes, open and closed nanotubes, nanocones and nanohorns can be regarded as the basal structure modified by topological defects: fivefolds and sevenfolds (disclinations). The curved surfaces of these structures are described by the tetradic formalism while the presence of disclinations is taken into account by introduction of two types of gauge fields. The density of electronic states of the carbon nanocones, nanohorns, closed nanotubes, hypothetical one-sheet hyperboloid structures, icosahedral (Ih) fullerenes (where the energy spectrum and eigenfunctions were also studied) was found within the gauge-field theory model. |
Aslanyan P.Zh. The Search for and Study of the Strange Multibaryon States in Systems with L Hyperon and K0s Meson in pA Collision at Momentum of 10 GeV/c (english, 2.836 Mb) Exotic strange multibaryon states have been observed in the effective mass spectra of L ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gurov Yu.B., Lapushkin S.V., Chernyshev B.A., Sandukovsky V.G. Description of Mixed-Mode Dynamics within the Symplectic Extension of the Interacting Vector Boson Model (rus, 1.426 Mb) Review of the experimental results on the search for and spectroscopy of the superheavy hydrogen isotopes 4-7H obtained in stopped ![]() |
Synopsis (rus, 75 Kb) |
Part 5 | up |
Bednyakov V.A., Klapdor-Kleingrothaus H.V. Direct Search for Dark Matter - Striking the Balance and the Future (english, 1.937 Mb) Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are among the main candidates for the relic Dark Matter (DM). The idea of the direct DM detection relies on elastic Spin-Dependent (SD) and Spin-Independent (SI) interactions of WIMPs with target nuclei. In this review paper the relevant formulae for WIMP event rate calculations are collected. For estimations of the WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron SD and SI cross sections the effective low-energy minimal supersymmetric standard model is used. The traditional one-coupling-dominance approach for evaluation of the exclusion curves is described. Further, the mixed spin-scalar coupling approach is discussed. It is demonstrated, taking the high-spin 73Ge dark matter experiment HDMS as an example, how one can drastically improve the sensitivity of the exclusion curves within the mixed spin-scalar coupling approach, as well as due to a new procedure of background subtraction from the measured spectrum. A general discussion on the information obtained from exclusion curves is given. The necessity of clear WIMP direct detection signatures for a solution of the dark matter problem, is pointed out. |
Saha B., Rikhvitski V. Nonlinear Spinor Fields in Anisotropic Universe Filled with Viscous Fluid: Exact Solutions and Qualitative Analysis (english, 5.349 Mb) A self-consistent system of nonlinear spinor and Bianchi type-I (BI) gravitational field in presence of a viscous fluid and cosmological constant has been considered. The nonlinear term in the spinor field Lagrangian appears either due to self-action or as a result of interaction with scalar field. It is given as a power law function of invariants I and J, constructed from the bilinear spinor forms S and P. As far as viscosity is concerned, it is given as a power law function of energy density ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Saha B. Early Inflation, Isotropization and Late-Time Acceleration of a Bianchi Type-I Universe (rus, 854 Kb) We solve the Einstein equations for Bianchi type-I metric describing a homogeneous and anisotropic Universe. The differential equations in question are nonlinear second-order equations and depend on time only. The method of solution is given and formulas for general solutions are obtained. The formulas are calculated analytically for some partial cases. In general case, possible types of solutions are illustrated by means of numerical integration. The evolution of the Universe was investigated for different types of source fields, namely, perfect fluid, Van der Waals fluid, cosmological constant, quintessence, Chaplygin gas, modified quintessence, and nonlinear spinor field. It is shown that the Van der Waals fluid leads to the early inflation, while modified quintessence generates cyclic or oscillatory Universe. It is established that for some special choice of parameters the late time acceleration can be explained with a nonlinear spinor field. |
Grigorenko L.V. Theoretical Studies of Two-Proton Radioactivity: Status, Predictions, Applications (rus, 3.728 Kb) In this work the current situation with studies of the two-proton radioactivity and related processes (three-body decays) is reviewed. The three-body (core+p+p) theoretical model of the two-proton radioactivity is provided. The model is based on the hyperspherical harmonic method and approximate boundary conditions of the three-body Coulomb problem, specific for the considered class of processes. Predictions are given for lifetimes and correlations among the decay products for prospective two-proton emitters. Astrophysical applications of the two-proton radioactivity theory are discussed. |
Bakulev A.P. Global Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory in QCD with Selected Applications (rus, 1.247 Kb) We give the generalization of Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory (FAPT) for QCD observables, recently developed for both the Euclidean and Minkowski regions of squared momentum transfer q2, which takes into account heavy-quark thresholds. The original analytic approach to QCD, initiated by Jones, Solovtsov and Shirkov, is shortly summarized. We also shortly consider the basic aspects of FAPT and then concentrate on the accounting for the heavy-quark thresholds problem and the construction of global version of FAPT. We discuss what one should use as an analytic coupling in the timelike region q2=s>0 for the e+ e--annihilation and the pion form factor, and consider applications to phenomenologically relevant processes (the factorizable part of the pion form factor and the Higgs boson decay into a b ![]() |
Synopsis (rus, 68 Kb) |
Part 6 | up |
Sofianos S.A., Rampho G.J., Adam R.M. Two-Dimensional Integrodifferential Equations for Unequal Mass Particle Systems (english, 395 Kb) The two-variable Integrodifferential Equation Approach (IDEA) valid for A nucleons is generalized to describe quantum-mechanical systems consisting of A, unequal mass, particles. The method is based on an expansion of the wave function in Faddeev amplitudes for the various particle pairs and a subsequent expansion of them in terms of potential harmonics. Projecting the resulting Faddeev-type equations on a specific two-body space and spin-isospin channel one obtains coupled, two-variable, integrodifferential equations describing the system. These equations can be readily applied, for example, to hypernuclear systems such as the double hypernucleus ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Basiladze S.G. Signal Physics (rus, 668 Kb) The classical signal - appropriate to representations of the mathematical analysis about infinitesimal sizes, has infinite information capacity that contradicts the concept of the information, final by definition. The real signal should have some "threshold" for the task of a final step between its states and "limit" for restriction of possible quantity of the steps. In the work, influence of a level of required energy, speed and noise of the receiver on its ability to distinguish a set of states in a signal is considered. It is shown that the generalized threshold is restriction on spectral density of energy of a signal, and the limit is restriction on density of energy in time or on spatial coordinate. In a microcosm a signal is the gradient of potential; limitation of speed of its recognition at movement results, within the limits of a threshold on action, to indefinability of changes of kinetic energy at change of potential. As a result, movement of particles appears determined only in final number of base points, available on the intervals set by an information threshold. Between base points movement is of uncertain - random, i.e. noised character. The threshold equation for a presence of random deviations of parameters of movement which should generalize known Schr ![]() |
Lehar F. Quasi-Elastic and Elastic Charge-Exchange Differential Cross Sections: Critical Review (english, 519 Kb) The present paper is a critical review checking expressions for Rnp( ![]() |
Tsyganov Yu.S. Method of Detection of Rare Decay Events of Superheavy Nuclei - the Active Correlation Technique (rus, 1.878 Mb) During the recent years, at the FLNR (JINR) a successful cycle of experiments has been accomplished on the synthesis of the superheavy elements with Z=112-118 with 48Ca beam. From the viewpoint of the detection of rare decays and background suppression, this success was achieved due to the application of a new radical technique - the method of active correlations. The method employs search in a real-time mode for a pointer to a probable correlation like recoil-alpha for switching the beam off. In the case of detection in the same detector strip an additional alpha-decay event of "beam off" time interval is prolonged automatically. Reasonable scenarios of developing the method are considered. |
Zubov A.S., Adamian G.G., Antonenko N.V. Application of Statistical Methods for Analysis of Heavy-Ion Reactions in the Framework of a Dinuclear System Model (rus, 1.956 Mb) The heavy-ion reactions are studied using the statistical methods in the framework of dinuclear system (DNS) model. The synthesis of superheavy nuclei in cold and hot Pb- and Bi-based reactions, incomplete fusion reactions, the production of neutron-deficient isotopes, and the pre-scission neutrons emission in quasi-fission reactions are considered. The calculated results are compared with the existing experimental data. The dependence of these results on the method of the level-density definition and on different theoretical predictions of nuclear properties used is analyzed. |
Nikitenko Yu.V. Neutron Standing Waves in Layered Systems: Generation, Detection and Application in Neutron Physics and for Nanostructure Investigations (rus, 2.912 Mb) Peculiarities of different regimes of neutron wave field are considered theoretically. Results of experimental investigations of neutron standing waves in the first channel of mirror neutron reflection and different channels of secondary emission are reported. Investigations of some layered structures, which are conducted with standing neutron waves, are considered. The further perspectives of neutron standing waves applications in the neutron physics and for layered structure investigations are showed. |
Synopsis (rus, 63 Kb) |
Part 7 | up |
Kuzemsky A.L. Statistical Mechanics and Physics of Many-Particle Model Systems (rus, 637 Kb) The development of the methods of quantum statistical mechanics and their application to quantum solid state theory and, in particular, to quantum theory of magnetism are considered. A broad class of the problems of condensed matter physics, in particular in the fields of the magnetism and superconductivity of the complex materials, in relation to the author's works are reviewed. The method of the Green functions as well as the concepts of symmetry breaking, quasiaverages and quantum protectorate are discussed in the context of quantum theory of magnetism and BCS-Bogoliubov theory of superconductivity. The method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator developed by D.N.Zubarev is employed to derive and analyze generalized kinetic equations. The Schr ![]() |
Tsarev V.A. Physical and Astrophysical Aspects of the Problem of Origin of the Biosphere Chiral Asymmetry (rus, 916 Kb) Brief review of various models of origin of the biosphere chiral asymmetry is presented. The main attention is paid to radiation mechanism of chiral influence and possible role of supernovae in cosmic scenario of origin of biological homochirality. |
Vall A.N., Perevalova I.A., Soldatenko O.N., Vladimirov A.A. Spatial Description of Particle Creation Area in Elastic and Quasi-Elastic Processes on the SO ![]() We consider and analyze the group-theoretic generalization of impact parameter for elastic processes A + B ![]() ![]() |
Krivokhizhin V.G., Kotikov A.V. Structure Functions of Nucleons and Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant (rus, 1.186 Mb) Characteristics of the deep inelastic scattering are shown in the high-energy region. The results of the fits of fixed-target experimental data of BCDMS, SLAC, NMC and BFP Collaborations for structure functions are presented. The values of the strong coupling constant ![]() |
Sannikov-Proskuryakov S.S. Mathematical Foundation of Description of Elementary Particles Interaction and Quantum Mechanics (rus, 640 Kb) The sections that comprise Part I of the collected papers written by S.S.Sannikov-Proskuryakov are presented in the review. The first and second sections contain the early works. The four articles contained in Secs.3-7 were written during the last years of his life. The essential results achieved by S.S.Sannikov-Proskuryakov may be helpful for a full appreciation of the new situation which the modern development of high energy physics has confronted us with. |
Synopsis (rus, 60 Kb) |
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