Part 1 | up |
Gusakov Yu.V., Grigalashvili N., Kekelidze G.D., Lysan V.M.,
Myalkovskiy V.V., Peshekhonov V.D., Russakovich N.A., Savenkov A.A.,
Khabarova E.M., Dittus F., Froidevaux D. R&D and Mass Production of the B Type Modules for the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (rus, 1.264 Mb) The article considers participation of the JINR TRT team for the ATLAS transition radiation tracker (TRT) building together with the large international collaboration of the ATLAS Inner Detector TRT for the LHC. The R&D and build up of the TRT went from 1994 up to 2007 at the Laboratory of Particle Physics, JINR, and CERN. |
Gostev I.M. The Methods of Identification of Graphic Objects on the Base of Geometric Correlation (rus, 855 Kb) This paper is a review of scientific direction on identification of graphic objects on the base of so-called geometric correlation methods. The historical presupposition of them is presented. We present resulting principles of forming the character properties on which methods of geometric correlation are constructed. The methods of identification and put out analysis of its functioning quality are examined. Statistical methods for setting a classification tolerance and factors which influence an identification precision are also examined. |
Troshin S.M., Tyurin N.E. Mechanism of Single-Spin Asymmetries Generation in the Inclusive Hadron Processes (english, 399 Kb) We discuss a nonperturbative mechanism for generation of the single-spin asymmetries in hadron interactions. It is based on the chiral quark model combined with unitarity and impact parameter picture and provides explanation for the experimental regularities observed under the measurements of the spin asymmetries. |
Sissakian A.N., Shevchenko O.Yu., Nagaytsev A.P., Ivanov O.N. Polarization Effects in Drell-Yan Processes (rus, 1.544 Mb) The polarization effects of hadrons and their constituent quarks are considered in Drell-Yan processes - one of the most effective instruments for the research on quark structure of nucleon. Special attention is being given to such important parton distribution functions as transversity as well as T-odd Sivers and Boer-Mulders distributions, which are absolutely necessary for our understanding of the effects caused by the nonzero transverse component of quark momentum. The original, possessing a number of essential advantages, method of direct extraction of transversity and Boer-Mulders PDFs from the unpolarized and single-polarized Drell-Yan processes is presented. The method is applied to the Drell-Yan processes with antiquark in both valence (antiproton-proton, pion-proton collisions) and sea (proton-proton, proton-deuteron, deuteron-deuteron collisions) states. For the feasibility estimations on transversity and T-odd PDFs, the theoretical estimations of asymmetries and cross sections are performed for the experiments RHIC (BNL), NICA (JINR), COMPASS (CERN), PAX (GSI), J-PARC (Japan). These theoretical estimates are accompanied by the estimations of the statistical uncertainties on the measured asymmetries, which are performed with the recently developed Monte-Carlo generator of the polarized Drell-Yan events. The duality of Drell-Yan and J/ ![]() |
Rybakov Yu.P. Cosmic Chiral Vortices (rus, 253 Kb) The review concerns cosmic chiral vortices (strings) and their possible role in the evolution of the early Universe. Exact cylindrically symmetric solution to the Einstein equations is obtained within the scope of SU(2) sigma-model for the configuration endowed with the topological charge of the degree type. The linearized stability of this solution with respect to radial perturbations is proven by Lyapunov's direct method. The metric found corresponds to the space of the conical type with the angular deficit proportional to the topological charge or linear mass density of the vortex. By integrating the geodesic equations for the light ray orthogonal to the vortex one finds the angular deflection of the ray, which is practically coincides with the angular deficit (gravitational lens effect). The gauge generalization of the model is considered, with the inclusion of axially symmetric Yang-Mills field. In the approximation of the large topological charge the solution with the proper longitudinal magnetic field is found, the fact of decreasing the vortex energy being discovered. The effect of closing the string is considered in the approximation of large closure radius. To this end one calculates the toroid moment of the closed vortex and the contribution to its energy generated by the Skyrme term. |
Pasichny A.A. The Coulomb Resonances and the Dynamics of the Nucleus Electrodisintegration by High Energy Electrons (rus, 1.830 Mb) Effects of the Coulomb resonances and the quasi-real photons on the dynamics of the nucleus electrodisintegration by high-energy electrons are investigated in the framework of the nuclear shell model. |
Slavnov D.A. Locality Problem in Quantum Measurements (rus, 1.117 Mb) In the framework of an algebraic approach we consider a locality problem of quantum measurements. Contrary to opinion widely distributed now we demonstrate that it is possible to coordinate the mathematical formalism of the quantum theory to the assumption of existence of a local physical reality which determines results of local measurements. From the point of view of a locality we discuss key quantum experiments: electron scattering by two slits, Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, quantum teleportation. We give to these experiments obvious physical interpretation which does not contradict classical conceptualization. |
Synopsis (rus, 64 Kb) |
Part 2 | up |
Sargsyan V.V., Kanokov Z., Adamian G.G., Antonenko N.V. Quantum Statistical Effects in Nuclear Reactions, Fission and Open Quantum Systems (rus, 2.796 Mb) The quantum diffusion equations with time-dependent transport coefficients are derived from the generalized non-Markovian Langevin equations. Generalized fluctuation-dissipation relations and analytical formulas for the friction and diffusion coefficients are obtained. The long-time tails of the correlation functions are investigated. The regression of correlations is discussed for quantum dissipative systems. Comparative analysis of the diffusion coefficients for the harmonic and inverted oscillators is performed. The role of quantum statistical effects in the transmission process through the parabolic barrier is studied. The sets of diffusion coefficients supplying the purity of states are derived for non-Markovian dynamics. Using a master equation for the reduced density matrix of open quantum system, the influence of different sets of transport coefficients on the decay rate from a metastable state is treated. The developed approach is suggested to describe the fission process and capture inside of the Coulomb barrier of two heavy nuclei at bombarding energies near the barrier. The influence of dissipation and fluctuations is taken self-consistently into account in these processes. Using the calculated probabilities of the capture, averaged in all mutual orientations of the deformed colliding nuclei, the evaporation reside cross-sections are calculated for the asymmetric fusion reactions. |
Didyk A.Yu., Khalil A.S. Properties of Indium Phosphide and Selected Compounds under Irradiation with Swift Heavy Ions (eng, 4.580 Mb) Surface and bulk properties of indium phosphide single crystals with initial and previously irradiated by 25 MeV electrons structures were irradiated with 86Kr (253 MeV) and 197Au (200MeV) up to various fluences. The modern methods of condensed matter studies such as scanning (SEM) and high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HTEM), Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS/C), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used for research of InP property changes before and after irradiation. The comparison of obtained results with the results of other authors is carried out. The surface structure change of InP single crystal irradiated by high-energy 86Kr ions and electrons is studied. It is shown that the changes of the InP surface have complicated character and are caused by inelastic sputtering processes. It is observed that the twice irradiated layer swells with the cracks creation on the surface. The swelling with cracks and strong sputtering of twice irradiated by electrons and high-energy ions of the InP and GaAs surfaces layers are explained using the model based on the influence of ionizing energy loss of swift 86Kr ions. The small crystalline objects are detected on the InP surface irradiated with 86Kr ions which may be nano- and microcrystals of InP. All obtained effects are discussed in the frame of models based on ionizing energy loss of swift heavy ions. |
Svirin M.I. Statistical and Dynamical Aspects of Preactinide and Actinide Nuclei Fissility (rus, 1.426 Mb) A wide range of problems concerning the preactinide nucleus fissility is reviewed. Among them are the dependence of the rotational level density enhancement on the excitation energy and deformation of nuclei, the emission of neutrons into the second well of the deformation potential energy, dynamical effects, etc. The drawbacks of the previous analysis are corrected and the information concerning barriers in the 160 ![]() ![]() |
Shablov V.L., Vinitsky P.S., Popov Yu.V., Chuluunbaatar O., Kuzakov K.A. Born Series in a Theory of Electron Impact Ionization of an Atom (rus, 0.842 Mb) A generalization of few-body quantum scattering theory is given for the case of Coulomb interaction. Since in this specific case the scattering amplitude, which is a solution of the resolvent-type equation, possesses a singularity when the complex parameter z tends to the energy shell, a definition of the physical amplitude is provided. A recipe for regularizing integrals (eliminating divergencies), which describe the terms of a perturbation theory series for different perturbing potentials, is formulated. As an example, the general theory is applied to the calculations of differential cross sections for a quasielastic electron-impact ionization reaction on atomic hydrogen. |
Synopsis (rus, 62 Kb) |
Part 3 | up |
Flyagin V.B., Budagov J.A., Glagolev V.V., Suslov I.A. The Top Quark, Other New Phenomena Observed at the CDF in p ![]() ![]() Upgraded Tevatron luminosity in Run II (started 2001) has opened a new level of modern heavy-quark studies compared to that of Run I. Now top event samples contain hundreds of event statistics for investigation. This review mainly covers the mass measurements of the top quark produced at ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Structure Function Approach in QED for High-Energy Processes (eng, 0.723 Mb) The structure function method is considered, based on the renormalization group approach: when combined with exact calculation at the lowest order of perturbation theory it allows one to calculate the differential cross sections in leading and next-to-leading order approximations, again providing the thousands accuracy. The implementation of this method to calculation of radiative corrections is also done for some processes on colliders. Among them are radiative corrections to DVCS tensor, ![]() In some cases the explicit expression of nonleading terms (the so-called K factor) is given or numerical estimation of it is done. |
Martin F., Carminati F., Galli Carminati G. Quantum Information, Oscillations and the Psyche (eng, 0.692 Mb) In this paper, taking the theory of quantum information as a model, we consider the human unconscious, preconsciousness and consciousness as sets of quantum bits (qubits). We view how there can be communication between these various qubit sets. In doing this we are inspired by the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance. In this way we build a model of handling a mental qubit with the help of pulses of a mental field. Starting with an elementary interaction between two qubits we build two-qubit quantum logic gates that allow information to be transferred from one qubit to the other. In this manner we build a quantum process that permits consciousness to "read" the unconscious and vice versa. The elementary interaction, e.g., between a preconsciousness qubit and a consciousness one, allows us to predict the time evolution of the preconsciousness + consciousness system in which preconsciousness and consciousness are quantum entangled. This time evolution exhibits Rabi oscillations that we name mental Rabi oscillations. This time evolution shows how, for example, the unconscious can influence consciousness. In a process like mourning, the influence of the unconscious on consciousness, as well as the influence of consciousness on the unconscious, are in agreement with what is observed in psychiatry. |
Kobzev A.P. Mechanism of Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation (rus, 0.410 Mb) The mechanism for generating the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation is discussed in this paper. For explaining the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect the authors of the theory used a mechanism, discovered by them - the radiation of a charged particle moving in a medium uniformly. They canceled the laws of energy and pulse conservation for the mechanism of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, because this mechanism contravenes these laws. This idea has the widest spread now for formation of other theories, such as the theory of transition radiation. In this paper it is shown which mechanism of the radiation of a charged particle moving uniformly in a medium is erroneous, because it contradicts as well the laws of energy and pulse conservation, as the definition of the uniform movement (the first Newton's law). A consistent explanation of the microscopic mechanism of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation in agreement with the fundamental laws is proposed. It is shown that the radiation occurs as a result of the interaction of moving charge with the coupled charges situated at a distance from the trajectory of the moving charge. The mechanism of the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation is bremsstrahlung-like, but it differs from the ordinary bremsstrahlung in principle, first of all by the fact that the Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation occurs as a result of the two-step process. First, a moving particle polarizes the medium, and then the polarized atoms give the radiation coherently, if speed of the particle exceeds the phase velocity of the light in the medium. If the speed of the particle is less than the phase velocity of light, the polarized atoms return the energy to the moving away particle. The radiation is absent in such a case. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the condition for coherent interference of the waves is rather constant speed of the particle. However, its movement can't be named uniform and straight-line motion as it was defined by the first Newton's law and contrary to the laws of the conservation of energy and momentum. |
Synopsis (rus, 66 Kb) |
Part 4 | up |
Aneva B. Exact Solvability of Interacting Many-Body Lattice Systems (eng, 0.556 Mb) We address the problem of exactly describing stochastic nonequilibrium systems that are widely used to model one-dimensional transport in biology, traffic flow and others. We review the matrix product states ansatz to interacting multiparticle systems and its extension to a tridiagonal (generalized Onsager) algebra approach. The stationary probability distribution is expressed as a matrix product state with respect to a quadratic algebra defined by the dynamics of the process. The states involved in the matrix elements are determined by the boundary conditions. This reflects the intriguing feature of open systems that the bulk behaviour in the steady state strongly depends on the boundary rates. The importance of the boundary conditions manifests itself in the fact that the boundary operators are generators of a tridiagonal algebra whose irreducible modules are the Askey-Wilson polynomials. The matrices of the matrix product ansatz obey the tridiagonal algebraic relations for particular values of the structure constants. Previously known representations, both infinite-dimensional and finite-dimensional ones, are recovered within the tridiagonal framework. The boundary Askey-Wilson and tridiagonal symmetry is the deep algebraic property of driven diffusive systems allowing for the exact solvability in the steady state and the exact description of the stochastic dynamics. |
Olkhovsky V.S., Maydanyuk S.P., Recami E. On Non-Selfadjoint Operators for Observables in Quantum Theory and Nuclear Physics (rus, 0.504 Mb) Aim of this paper is to show the possible significance, and usefulness, of various nonselfadjoint operators for suitable observables in nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics, and in quantum electrodynamics. More specifically, this work starts dealing with: (i) the maximal hermitian (but not selfadjoint) time operator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and in quantum electrodynamics; and with: (ii) the problem of the four-position and four-momentum operators, each one with its hermitian and antihermitian parts, for relativistic spin-zero particles. Afterwards, other physically important applications of nonselfadjoint and nonhermitian operators are discussed. Finally, we analyze the case of T-noninvariant interactions, including quantum dissipation and the nuclear optical potential. |
Kuplennikov E.L., Korchin A.Yu., Kandybei S.S. Quasi-Free Electron-Light Nuclei Scattering and Some Properties of the Nuclear Interaction (rus, 0.474 Mb) Status of experimental and theoretical studies of the maximum of quasi-free cross section in A(e, e') reaction is reviewed. The dependence of the shift of this maximum relative to the elastic eN-scattering peak on the kinematical conditions is discussed. Possibilities of using experimental data for selection of realistic models of nucleon-nucleon interaction, dynamical short-range correlations in nuclei, parameters of the nucleon-nucleus potential and effective nucleon mass are analyzed. |
Popov Yu.V., Chuluunbaatar O., Shablov V.L., Kouzakov K.A. Multiple Ionization Processes Involving Fast Charged Particles (rus, 1.223 Mb) The review is devoted to separate aspects of the theory of multiple ionization of a quantum target by a fast charged particle. Atoms and molecules, and their ions as well, are considered as targets, and electrons and protons are considered as ionizing particles. Special attention is paid to the effective charge approximation when constructing continuum wave functions for few charged fragments in the final channel of the reaction. Theoretical calculations of differential and total cross sections of various multiple ionization processes are presented and, when it is possible, a comparison of the results of these calculations with experimental data is carried out. |
Comisel H., Hategan C., Wolter H.H. Nuclear Threshold Effects and Neutron Strength Functions (eng, 0.427 Mb) The present work is devoted to studying the spectroscopic aspects (in terms of neutron strength function) of the threshold effects of nonlight nuclei. Relations of the neutron strength functions with the anomalous effects observed at threshold of neutron analogue channel, in deuteron stripping reactions on A ![]() ![]() |
Synopsis (rus, 61 Kb) |
Part 5 | up |
To the centenary of the birth of RAS Corresponding Member M.G.Meshcheryakov (1910-1994) (rus, 0.86 Mb) |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Peripheral Processes in QED at High Energies (eng, 0.717 Mb) We consider the high-energy processes in QED frames in peripheral kinematics. The key feature of this kinematics is that processes have large cross sections which do not decrease with the increasing of the initial center-of-mass energy. Two purposes to study peripheral processes are: the background processes with large total cross sections and the structure of jets in the fragmentation region. We describe various QED peripheral processes in terms of Impact Factors (IF) and give the explicit expressions for the differential distributions and spin correlation effects, as well as estimates of the total cross section of peripheral processes in photon-photon, photon-lepton, and lepton-lepton collisions. A special attention is paid to the small-angle Bhabha scattering process which is relevant for beam monitoring at LEP I, LEP II. Based on analytical properties of the amplitudes, some relations (QED sum rules) between the high-energy asymptotics of the cross sections of inelastic processes in e+e- collisions and higher-order perturbative contributions to the electron Dirac and Pauli form factors are derived. For practical using we present some loop momentum integrals. |
Arbuzov A.B., Bytev V.V., Kuraev E.A., Tomasi-Gustafsson E., Bystritskiy Yu.M. Radiative Corrections to the Bhabha Scattering (eng, 1.189 Mb) Large-angle Bhabha scattering cross section and related processes are considered. Standard procedure of calculation of radiative corrections (RC) with emission of one and two real photons as well as lepton pairs is considered in detail. Special attention is paid to the case of radiative large-angle Bhabha scattering, where we show the validity of factorization theorem for one-loop level RC. This is the basic assumption of the Drell-Yan form of the cross sections when hard particles are detected at large angles. The cases of collinear and semicollinear kinematics for the final particles are considered explicitly. At the end of the review we consider some contributions to the large-angle Bhabha elastic scattering cross section at two-loop level. Among them, the emission of two hard photons in collinear and semicollinear kinematics regions and the contribution of a set of gauge-invariant FD of two-loop level were calculated. |
Bilenky S.M. Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (eng, 0.508 Mb) The neutrinoless double ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nesterov A.V., Arickx F., Broeckhove J., Vasilevsky V.S. Three-Cluster Description of Properties of Light Nuclei with Neutron and Proton Access within the Algebraic Version of the Resonating Group Method (rus, 2.434 Mb) We give a review of a three-cluster microscopic method (the algebraic version of the resonating group method) for description of properties of the light atomic nuclei. The method makes use of the oscillator functions for representing of the internal wave function of each cluster and for expansion of the wave function of intercluster relative motion as well. We consider mainly applications of the method for investigation of properties of bound and continuous spectrum states of nuclei 6He, 8He, 6Be, 5H with large neutron and proton access and for the reactions of the thermonuclear synthesis 3H(3H, 2n)4He and 3He(3He, 2p)4He. We pay small attention to the technical details of the method, by explaining shortly information necessary for understanding the main ideas. We dwell mainly on results of the method, on comparison with available experimental data and results of other theoretical methods. The role of the Pauli principle, convergence of the obtained results and approximations used are discussed in detail. |
Slavnov D.A. TMacroscopic Simulation of Violation of Bell's Inequality (rus, 0.309 Mb) A macroscopic quantum model of two-level system (analogue of a particle spin-half) is constructed. It models not only researched system, but also procedure of measurement. Single-particle and two-particle states of quantum system are constructed. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and the Bell inequality are discussed in the framework the model. |
Yurevich V.I. Production of Neutrons in Thick Targets by High-Energy Protons and Nuclei (rus, 2.670 Mb) The article is dedicated to physics of spallation neutron generation by high energy particles and its applications. This field of research relates to fast growing branch of nuclear physics - high energy neutron physics. The central part of this article is review of experimental results obtained in different laboratories in the world during the last quarter of century. The analysis of characteristics of multiple neutron production in targets induced by protons and nuclei with energy above several hundreds of MeV per nucleon is performed. The results of measurements in JINR with beams of protons, deuterons and light nuclei are discussed. The natural and artificial spallation neutron sources and its role in up-to-date research are considered. |
Synopsis (rus, 60 Kb) |
Part 6 | up |
Procedings of the Bogolyubov Conference «Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics» (Moscow-Dubna, August 21-27, 2009) | |
Ñèñàêÿí À.Í. Æèçíü è äåÿòåëüíîñòü Í.Í.Áîãîëþáîâà (rus, 64 Kb) |
Plenary Session | |
Araki H. Dynamics and Potentials (eng, 105 Kb) |
Aref'eva I.Ya. Catalysis of Black Holes/Wormholes Formation in High-Energy Collisions (eng, 231 Kb) |
Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. Low-Energy Properties of Hadrons in the Relativistic Quark Model (eng, 231 Kb) |
Erler J., Kleinig W., Klupfel P., Kvasil I., Nesterenko V.O., Reinhard P.-G. Self-Consistent Mean-Field Description of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics - A Status Report (eng, 454 Kb) |
Jansen K. The Quest for Solving QCD: Simulations at Light Quark Masses (eng, 212 Kb) |
Shaposhnikov M. Cosmology versus Standard Model (eng, 276 Kb) |
Stoitsov M. Nuclear Density Functional Theory (eng, 691 Kb) |
Voronov V.V., Jolos R.V., Arsenyev N.N., Severyukhin A.P. Pair correlations and the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Method in the Theory of Nuclear Structure (eng, 133 Kb) |
Yngvason J. The Interacting Bose Gas: A Continuing Challenge (eng, 138 Kb) |
Zagrebnov V.A. Boson Random Point Processes and Condensation (eng, 167 Kb) |
Session «Quantum Field Theory and Theory of Elementary Partciles» | |
Achasov N.N. Light Scalar Mesons as Manifestation of Spontaneously Broken Chiral Symmetry (eng, 258 Kb) |
Andrianov A.A., Andrianov V.A., Espriu D. Parity Violation in QCD-Motivated Hadronic Models at Extreme Conditions (eng, 126 Kb) |
Arbuzov B.A., Volkov M.K. Bogoliubov Compensation Approach in QCD and in the Electroweak Theory (eng, 111 Kb) |
Áàêóëåâ À.Ï. Ïåðåñóììèðîâàíèå â äðîáíî-àíàëèòè÷åñêîé òåîðèè âîçìóùåíèé ÊÕÄ (rus, 163 Kb) |
Bednyakov A.V. Three-Loop Running of the Strong Coupling Constant and the Mass of the b Quark in the Supersymmetric QCD (eng, 138 Kb) |
Bogolubov N.N. (Jr.), Prykarpatsky A.K. The Vacuum Structure and Special Relativity Revisited: A Field Theory No-Geometry Approach within the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Formalisms (eng, 148 Kb) |
Blaschke D., Buballa M., Radzhabov A.E., Volkov M.K. Nonlocal Quark Model beyond Mean Field (eng, 138 Kb) |
Bulavin L.A., Jenkovszky L.L., Troshin S.M., Tyurin N.E. Critical Phenomena in High-Energy Lepton- and Hadron-Induced Reactions (eng, 133 Kb) |
Selyugin O.V., Cudell J.-R. Asymptotics of S Matrix and Unitarization (eng, 97 Kb) |
Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. Masses of Heavy Tetraquarks with Hidden Charm and Bottom (eng, 114 Kb) |
Fadin V.S., Fiore R., Grabovsky A.V., Papa A. Low-x Evolution Equations in M ![]() |
Gasser J., Haefeli Ch., Ivanov M.A., Schmid M. Relations between SU(2)- and SU(3)-LECs in Chiral Perturbation Theory (eng, 105 Kb) |
Kalmykov M.Yu., Kniehl B.A. All-Order ![]() |
Kataev A.L., Kim V.T. Peculiar Features of the Relations between Pole and Running Heavy-Quark Masses and Estimates of the O( ![]() |
Kotikov A.V. The Property of Maximal Transcendentality in the N = 4 SYM (eng, 97 Kb) |
Kozlov G.A. Unparticles in Gauge Theory (eng, 99 Kb) |
Kozlov G.A. The Gauge Unparticles ("Ungluons") (eng, 127 Kb) |
Krasnikov N.V. Fields with Continuously Distributed Mass (eng, 97 Kb) |
Das C.R., Laperashvili L.V., Tureanu A. Astrophysical Implications of the Superstring-Inspired E6 Unification and Shadow Theta-Particles (eng, 115 Kb) |
Mir-Kasimov R.M. Generating Function for Extended Jacobi Polynomials, Noncommutative Differential Calculus and Relativistic Energy and Momentum Operators (eng, 95 Kb) |
Mnatsakanova M.N., Vernov Yu.S. Reconstruction Theorem and Cluster Properties of Wightman Functions in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory (eng, 91 Kb) |
Reshetnyak A.A. Towards Lagrangian Formulations of Mixed-Symmetry Higher Spin Fields on AdS-Space within BFV-BRST Formalism (eng, 143 Kb) |
Sissakian A., Shevchenko O., Ivanov O. QCD Analysis of DIS and SIDIS Data (eng, 124 Kb) |
Slavnov D.A. Double-Slit Experiment and Bogoliubov's Causality Principle (eng, 94 Kb) |
Stepien L.T. On Some Classes of Exact Solutions of Scalar Born-Infeld Equation (eng, 91 Kb) |
Surovtsev Yu.S., Branz T., Gutsche T., Lyubovitskij V.E. The Model-Independent Analysis Indications for Spectroscopy of Scalar Mesons. Proof for the K0*(900) (eng, 124 Kb) |
Tsirova N.A., Karmanov V.A., Mathiot J.-F. Structure of the Nucleon in Chiral Effective Theory on the Light Front (eng, 114 Kb) |
Part 7 | up |
Procedings of the Bogolyubov Conference «Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics» (Moscow-Dubna, August 21-27, 2009) | |
Session «Statistical Mechanics, Kinetics and Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter» | |
Antonov N.V., Ignatieva A.A., Malyshev A.V. Effects of Turbulent Mixing on the Critical Behavior (eng, 118 Kb) |
Belyi V.V., Kukharenko Yu.A. Bogoliubov Kinetic Equations and Dielectric Function with Exchange Interaction (eng, 91 Kb) |
Blaschke D.B., Schmidt S.M., Smolyansky S.A., Tarakanov A.V. Self-Consistent Description of e-e+ ![]() |
Áîãîëþáîâ Í.Í. (ìë.), Êàçàðÿí À.À. Êèíåòè÷åñêèå óðàâíåíèÿ â òåîðèè ïîëÿðîíà â ñëó÷àå ïðîñòðàíñòâåííîé íåîäíîðîäíîñòè (rus, 129 Kb) |
Brokate M., Rasulova M.Yu. The Cauchy Problem for BBGKY Hierarchy of Quantum Kinetic Equations with Coulomb Potential (eng, 103 Kb) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() On the Possible Role of Small Polarons in the Charge and Energy Transport in the ![]() |
Flach S. Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Disordered Media (eng, 133 Kb) |
Gladyshev A.V., Jur![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anomalous Scaling in Helical Turbulent Environment (eng, 111 Kb) |
Katkov V.L., Osipov V.A. Energy Distributions of Field Emitted Electrons from Few-Layer Graphene Sheets with AB and ABC Stacking (eng, 170 Kb) |
Kuzemsky A.L. Symmetry Breaking, Quantum Protectorate and Quasiaverages in Condensed Matter Physics (eng, 96 Kb) |
Lyagushyn S.F., Sokolovsky A.I. Kinetics of System of Emitters and Nonequilibrium Electromagnetic Field (eng, 106 Kb) |
Moskalenko V.A., Dohotaru L.A. Diagrammatic Analysis of the Hubbard Model: Stationary Property of the Thermodynamic Potential (eng, 141 Kb) |
Moskalenko V.A., Dohotaru L.A. Diagrammatic Theory for Periodic Anderson Model (eng, 194 Kb) |
Plakida N.M. Theory of High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates (eng, 112 Kb) |
Plechko V.N. Fermions and Disorder in Ising and Related Models in Two Dimensions (eng, 160 Kb) |
Ðóäîé Þ.Ã. Âêëàä Í.Í.Áîãîëþáîâà â íåðàâíîâåñíóþ ñòàòèñòè÷åñêóþ ìåõàíèêó (1937-1945 ãã.) (rus, 84 Kb) |
Sadovnikov B.I., Inozemtseva N.G., Inozemtsev V.I. The Correlation Function and the Thermodynamic Quantities of the Mixed System (eng, 104 Kb) |
Sankovich D.P. Bogoliubov's Theory of Superfluidity (eng, 95 Kb) |
Shukrinov Yu.M. Tunneling in Superconducting Structures (eng, 408 Kb) |
Smolyansky S.A., Bonitz M., Tarakanov A.V. Strong Field Generalization of the Interband Transitions Kinetics (eng, 108 Kb) |
Soldatov A.V. On Lower Bound Estimates for the Energy Spectrum of the Fr ![]() |
Sukhanov A.D., Golubjeva O.N. ( ![]() |
Tareyeva E.E., Schelkacheva T.I., Chtchelkatchev N.M. A Spin-Glass-Like Phase in Complex Nonmagnetic Systems. Various Kinds of Replica Symmetry Breaking (eng, 86 Kb) |
Session «Nuclear Physics» | |
Abraamyan Kh.U., Baznat M.I., Friesen A.V., Gudima K.K., Kozhin M.A.,
Lebedev S.A., Nazarenko M.A., Nikitin S.A., Ososkov G.A., Reznikov S.G.,
Sissakian A.N., Sorin A.S., Toneev V.D. Resonance Structure in the ![]() ![]() |
Adamian G.G., Antonenko N.V., Malov L.A., Lu B.N., Zhou S.G., Scheid W. Isomeric States in Heavy Nuclei (eng, 105 Kb) |
Georgieva A.I., Ivanov M.I., Drenska S.L., Sviratcheva K.D., Draayer J.P. Dynamical Symmetries in Contemporary Nuclear Structure Applications (eng, 105 Kb) |
Kolganova E.A. Helium Trimer in the Framework of Faddeev Approach (eng, 313 Kb) |
Majling L., Majlingov![]() Delayed Clusters Accompanying Nonmesonic Weak Decay of the ![]() |
Matveenko A.V., Fukuda H., Alt E.O. Definition of Free Hyperradial Dynamics for the Three-Body Problem (eng, 139 Kb) |
Mishev S., Voronov V.V. Quasi-Particle Phonon Nuclear Model for Odd-Mass Nuclei - Recent Developments (eng, 150 Kb) |
Rubtsova O.A., Kukulin V.I., Pomerantsev V.N. Quantum Scattering Theory on the Momentum Lattice (eng, 165 Kb) |
Vdovin A.I., Dzhioev A.A. Thermal Bogoliubov Transformation in Nuclear Structure Theory (eng, 112 Kb) |
Wycech S. On Nuclear States of ![]() |
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